3. Subscription to the push notification feature (using privexchange.py or powerPriv), uses the credentials of the current user to authenticate to the Exchange server. Forcing the Exchange server's to send back its NTLMv2 hash to a controlled machine.
* [Abusing Exchange: One API call away from Domain Admin - Dirk-jan Mollema](https://dirkjanm.io/abusing-exchange-one-api-call-away-from-domain-admin)
* [Exploiting PrivExchange - April 11, 2019 - @chryzsh](https://chryzsh.github.io/exploiting-privexchange/)
* [[PrivExchange] From user to domain admin in less than 60sec ! - davy](http://blog.randorisec.fr/privexchange-from-user-to-domain-admin-in-less-than-60sec/)
* [Red Teaming Made Easy with Exchange Privilege Escalation and PowerPriv - Thursday, January 31, 2019 - Dave](http://blog.redxorblue.com/2019/01/red-teaming-made-easy-with-exchange.html)