> User accounts created to be used as service accounts rarely have their password changed. Group Managed Service Accounts (GMSAs) provide a better approach (starting in the Windows 2012 timeframe). The password is managed by AD and automatically rotated every 30 days to a randomly generated password of 256 bytes.
### GMSA Attributes in the Active Directory
*`msDS-GroupMSAMembership` (`PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword`) - stores the security principals that can access the GMSA password.
*`msds-ManagedPassword` - This attribute contains a BLOB with password information for group-managed service accounts.
*`msDS-ManagedPasswordId` - This constructed attribute contains the key identifier for the current managed password data for a group MSA.
*`msDS-ManagedPasswordInterval` - This attribute is used to retrieve the number of days before a managed password is automatically changed for a group MSA.
* [kdejoyce/gMSA_Permissions_Collection.ps1](https://gist.github.com/kdejoyce/f0b8f521c426d04740148d72f5ea3f6f#file-gmsa_permissions_collection-ps1) based on Active Directory PowerShell module
## Forging Golden GMSA
> One notable difference between a **Golden Ticket** attack and the **Golden GMSA** attack is that they no way of rotating the KDS root key secret. Therefore, if a KDS root key is compromised, there is no way to protect the gMSAs associated with it.
:warning: You can't "force reset" a gMSA password, because a gMSA's password never changes. The password is derived from the KDS root key and `ManagedPasswordIntervalInDays`, so every Domain Controller can at any time compute what the password is, what it used to be, and what it will be at any point in the future.
* Using [GoldenGMSA](https://github.com/Semperis/GoldenGMSA)