
106 lines
3.0 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from ghost import Ghost
from scans import *
import requests
import datetime
import re
app = Flask(__name__)
firefox = Ghost()
""" Route /ping
Description: Simple ping implementation to check if the server is up via the extension
def ping():
return "pong"
""" Route /
Description: main route for the flask application, every scan is launched from here
def index():
vulns = {'rce': 0, 'xss': 0, 'sql': 0, 'lfi': 0, 'list':''}
# Parse requests - extract arguments
args = request.args
url = args['url']
useragent = args['useragent']
methods = args['method']
data = args['data']
method = ''
matches = []
data_requests = {}
# Parse args for GET
if "?" in url:
method = 'GET'
# Parse cookies strings - string like name:username|value:admin
cookies_requests = {}
cookies_ghost = ""
for cookie in args['cookies'].split('\n'):
c = cookie.split('|')
if c != '' and c != None:
if len(c) != 1:
name = str(c[0]).replace('name:','')
value = str(c[1]).replace('value:','')
cookies_requests[name] = value
cookies_ghost += " "+cookie.replace('name:','').replace('value:','=').replace('|','') + ";"
# Parse GET data (in url)
params = url.split('?')[1]
regex = re.compile('([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*?)=')
matches = regex.findall(params)
# Parse args for POST
if data != '':
method = 'POST'
# Parse document.cookie for Ghost and Requests
cookies_requests = {} #dict
cookies_ghost = "" #string header
for cookie in args['cookies'].split(';'):
c = cookie.split('=')
if c != '' and c != None:
if len(c) != 1:
name = c[0]
value = c[1]
cookies_requests[name] = value
cookies_ghost += " "+cookie.replace('name:','').replace('value:','=').replace('|','') + ";"
# Parse POST data (in data parameter)
data_requests = {}
for post_data in data.split('|'):
d = post_data.split(':')
if d != '' and d != None:
if len(d) != 1:
name = str(d[0])
value = str(d[1])
data_requests[name] = value
# Convert dict(data_requests) to list(matches)
matches = data_requests.keys()
# Launch scans - iterate through all parameters
for fuzz in matches:
print "\n---[ " + method + " - New parameter " + fuzz + " for url: " + url + " ]---"
scan_xss(method, vulns, url, fuzz, cookies_ghost, useragent, firefox, data_requests)
scan_lfi(method, vulns, url, fuzz, cookies_requests, useragent, data_requests)
scan_sql_error(method, vulns, url, fuzz, cookies_requests, useragent, data_requests)
scan_sql_blind_time(method, vulns, url, fuzz, cookies_requests, useragent, data_requests)
scan_rce(method, vulns, url, fuzz, cookies_requests, useragent, data_requests)
# Display results as a json
return jsonify(vulns)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(host='', port=8000, threaded=True, passthrough_errors=False)