var config_server = ""; /** * Get the current tab. * @param {function(string)} callback - called when the tab is found. */ function getCurrentTab(callback) { // Query filter to be passed to chrome.tabs.query - see // var queryInfo = { active: true, currentWindow: true }; chrome.tabs.query(queryInfo, function(tabs) { // chrome.tabs.query invokes the callback with a list of tabs that match the // query. When the popup is opened, there is certainly a window and at least // one tab, so we can safely assume that |tabs| is a non-empty array. // A window can only have one active tab at a time, so the array consists of // exactly one tab. var tab = tabs[0]; // A tab is a plain object that provides information about the tab. // See var url = tab.url; // tab.url is only available if the "activeTab" permission is declared. // If you want to see the URL of other tabs (e.g. after removing active:true // from |queryInfo|), then the "tabs" permission is required to see their // "url" properties. console.assert(typeof url == 'string', 'tab.url should be a string'); callback(tab); }); } /** * Extract the domain from an URL * @param string(url) - url of the target which will be shorten */ function extract_domain(url){ var domain; if (url.indexOf("://") > -1) { domain = url.split('/')[2]; } else { domain = url.split('/')[0]; } //find & remove port number return domain.split(':')[0]; } /** * Return the status of the server */ function status_server(config_server){ // Create a new HTTP request var http = new XMLHttpRequest(); http.onreadystatechange = function() { if (http.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { // If the server is up it responds with "pong" if("pong" == http.responseText){ document.getElementById('status').textContent = "Server is UP !"; document.getElementById('status').style = "color:green"; } else{ document.getElementById('status').textContent = "Server is DOWN !"; document.getElementById('status').style = "color:red"; } } }"GET", config_server+"/ping", true); http.send(); } /** * Plugin form - Update and display the informations */ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { getCurrentTab(function(tab) { var vulns_csv = "Type,Vulnerability\n"; // Display local storage['rce', 'xss','sql','lfi','list','work'], function(items) { // Update start button if (items['work'] == 0){ document.getElementById("stop").textContent = "START"; document.getElementById("stop").style = "background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,#5cb85c,#4cae4c);"; } else{ document.getElementById("stop").textContent = "STOP"; document.getElementById("stop").style = "background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,#EA464A,#D43C40);"; } // Display the list of vulns var vulns = escape(items['list']).split('%7CDELIMITER%7C') var i = 0; vulns.forEach(function(y) { y = encodeURI(unescape(y)); if(y!==''){ // Quick style, odd row will be blue var style = ""; if (i%2 == 1){ style = ' class="alt"'; } // Extract type of vuln e.g:XSS|TYPE|URL y = y.split('%7CTYPE%7C'); type = y[0]; y = y[1]; document.getElementById('list').innerHTML += (''+type+''+y.substring(0,150)+''); vulns_csv += type+","+y+"\n"; i++; } } ); // Display vulnerabilities' count document.getElementById("rce").textContent = items['rce'] + " Remote Commands Execution"; document.getElementById("xss").textContent = items['xss'] + " Cross Site Scripting"; document.getElementById("sql").textContent = items['sql'] + " Injection SQL"; document.getElementById("lfi").textContent = items['lfi'] + " Local File Inclusion"; document.getElementById("total").textContent = "Total : "+ (items['lfi']+items['xss']+items['sql']+items['rce']) +" vulnerability found"; }); // Display infos (URL - Server's availability) document.getElementById('url').textContent = 'Inspecting : ' + extract_domain(tab.url); status_server(config_server); // Start or Stop the extension document.getElementById("stop").addEventListener('click', () => { if(document.getElementById("stop").textContent == "STOP"){ document.getElementById("stop").textContent = "START"; document.getElementById("stop").style = "background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,#5cb85c,#4cae4c);";{'work': 0}); } else{ document.getElementById("stop").textContent = "STOP"; document.getElementById("stop").style = "background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,#EA464A,#D43C40);";{'work': 1}); } }); // Export button - save a CSV file with all the vulnerabilities document.getElementById("export").addEventListener('click', () => {'data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,' + escape(vulns_csv)); }); }); });