import defu from 'defu' import destr from 'destr' const KY = process.server ? require('ky-universal/node') : require('ky-universal/browser').default class HTTP { constructor(defaults, ky = KY) { this._defaults = { hooks: {}, ...defaults } this._ky = ky } setBaseURL (baseURL) { this._defaults.prefixUrl = baseURL } setHeader(name, value) { if (!value) { delete this._defaults.headers[name]; } else { this._defaults.headers[name] = value } } setToken(token, type) { const value = !token ? null : (type ? type + ' ' : '') + token this.setHeader('Authorization', value) } _hook(name, fn) { if (!this._defaults.hooks[name]) { this._defaults.hooks[name] = [] } this._defaults.hooks[name].push(fn) } onRequest(fn) { this._hook('beforeRequest', fn) } onRetry(fn) { this._hook('beforeRetry', fn) } onResponse(fn) { this._hook('afterResponse', fn) } onError(fn) { this._hook('onError', fn) } create(options) { const { retry, timeout, prefixUrl, headers } = this._defaults return createHttpInstance(defu(options, { retry, timeout, prefixUrl, headers })) } } for (let method of ['get', 'head', 'delete', 'post', 'put', 'patch']) { const hasBody = ['post', 'put', 'patch'].includes(method) HTTP.prototype[method] = async function (url, arg1, arg2) { let options if (!hasBody) { options = arg1 } else { options = arg2 || {} if (arg1 !== undefined) { if (arg1.constructor === Object || Array.isArray(arg1)) { options.json = arg1 } else { options.body = arg1 } } } const _options = { ...this._defaults, ...options } if (/^https?/.test(url)) { delete _options.prefixUrl } else if (_options.prefixUrl && typeof url === 'string' && url.startsWith('/')) { // Prevents `ky` from throwing "`input` must not begin with a slash when using `prefixUrl`" url = url.substr(1) } try { const response = await this._ky[method](url, _options) return response } catch (error) { // Try to fill error with useful data if (error.response) { error.statusCode = error.response.status try { const text = await error.response.text() error.response.text = () => Promise.resolve(text) const json = destr(text) error.response.json = () => Promise.resolve(json) = json } catch (_) { } } // Call onError hook if (_options.hooks.onError) { for (const fn of _options.hooks.onError) { const res = fn(error) if (res !== undefined) { return res } } } // Throw error throw error } } HTTP.prototype['$' + method] = function (url, arg1, arg2) { return this[method](url, arg1, arg2) .then(response => (response && response.text) ? response.text() : response) .then(body => destr(body)) } } const createHttpInstance = options => { // Create new HTTP instance const http = new HTTP(options) // Setup interceptors <% if (options.debug) { %>setupDebugInterceptor(http) <% } %> return http } <% if (options.debug) { %> const log = (level, ...messages) => console[level]('[Http]', ...messages) const setupDebugInterceptor = http => { // request http.onRequest(req => { log( 'info', 'Request:', '[' + req.method.toUpperCase() + ']', req.url ) if (process.browser) { console.log(req) } else { console.log(JSON.stringify(req, undefined, 2)) } }) // response http.onResponse(req, options, res => { log( 'info', 'Response:', '[' + (res.status + ' ' + res.statusText) + ']', '[' + req.method.toUpperCase() + ']', res.url, ) if (process.browser) { console.log(req, options, res) } else { console.log(JSON.stringify({ req, options, res }, undefined, 2)) } return res }) // error http.onError(error => { log('error', 'Error:', error) }) }<% } %> export default (ctx, inject) => { // runtimeConfig const runtimeConfig = ctx.$config && ctx.$config.http || {} // prefixUrl const prefixUrl = process.browser ? (runtimeConfig.browserBaseURL || '<%= options.browserBaseURL || '' %>') : (runtimeConfig.baseURL || process.env._HTTP_BASE_URL_ || '<%= options.baseURL || '' %>') const headers = <%= JSON.stringify(options.headers, null, 2) %> // Defaults const defaults = { retry: <%= options.retry %>, timeout: process.server ? <%= options.serverTimeout %> : <%= options.clientTimeout %>, prefixUrl, headers } <% if (options.proxyHeaders) { %> // Proxy SSR request headers headers if (process.server && ctx.req && ctx.req.headers) { const reqHeaders = { ...ctx.req.headers } for (let h of <%= serialize(options.proxyHeadersIgnore) %>) { delete reqHeaders[h] } defaults.headers = { ...reqHeaders, ...defaults.headers } } <% } %> if (process.server) { // Don't accept brotli encoding because Node can't parse it defaults.headers['accept-encoding'] = 'gzip, deflate' } const http = createHttpInstance(defaults) // Inject http to the context as $http ctx.$http = http inject('http', http) }