const path = require('path') const consola = require('consola') const semver = require('semver') const logger = consola.withScope('nuxt:http') function httpModule (_moduleOptions) { // Combine options const moduleOptions = { ...this.options.http, ..._moduleOptions } // Default port const defaultPort = process.env.API_PORT || moduleOptions.port || process.env.PORT || process.env.npm_package_config_nuxt_port || (this.options.server && this.options.server.port) || 3000 // Default host let defaultHost = process.env.API_HOST || || process.env.HOST || process.env.npm_package_config_nuxt_host || (this.options.server && || 'localhost' /* istanbul ignore if */ if (defaultHost === '') { defaultHost = 'localhost' } // Default prefix const prefix = process.env.API_PREFIX || moduleOptions.prefix || '/' // Support baseUrl if (moduleOptions.baseUrl && !moduleOptions.baseURL) { moduleOptions.baseURL = moduleOptions.baseUrl delete moduleOptions.baseUrl } // HTTPS const https = Boolean(this.options.server && this.options.server.https) // Apply defaults const options = { baseURL: `http://${defaultHost}:${defaultPort}${prefix}`, browserBaseURL: undefined, proxyHeaders: true, proxyHeadersIgnore: ['accept', 'host', 'cf-ray', 'cf-connecting-ip', 'content-length', 'content-md5', 'content-type'], proxy: false, retry: false, serverTimeout: false, clientTimeout: false, https, headers: {}, ...moduleOptions } // ENV overrides /* istanbul ignore if */ if (process.env.API_URL) { options.baseURL = process.env.API_URL } /* istanbul ignore if */ if (process.env.API_URL_BROWSER) { options.browserBaseURL = process.env.API_URL_BROWSER } // Default browserBaseURL if (typeof options.browserBaseURL === 'undefined') { options.browserBaseURL = options.proxy ? prefix : options.baseURL } // Normalize options if (options.retry === true) { options.retry = 2 } else if (!options.retry) { options.retry = 0 } else if (!isNaN(options.retry)) { options.retry = parseInt(options.retry) } else if (typeof options.retry === 'object') { options.retry = JSON.stringify(options.retry) } // Remove port 443 when https if (options.baseURL.includes('https://')) { options.baseURL = options.baseURL.replace(':443', '') } // Remove port 80 when http if (options.baseURL.includes('http://')) { options.baseURL = options.baseURL.replace(':80', '') } // Convert http:// to https:// if https option is on if (options.https === true) { const https = s => s.replace('http://', 'https://') options.baseURL = https(options.baseURL) options.browserBaseURL = https(options.browserBaseURL) } // Register plugin this.addPlugin({ src: path.resolve(__dirname, 'plugin.js'), fileName: 'http.js', options }) // Proxy integration if (options.proxy) { this.requireModule([ '@nuxtjs/proxy', typeof options.proxy === 'object' ? options.proxy : {} ]) } // Add `ky` to build.transpile = || {} = || {} // transpile only for non-modern build /* istanbul ignore next */ if (semver.gte(semver.coerce(this.nuxt.constructor.version), '2.9.0')) {{ isLegacy }) => isLegacy && 'ky') } else {'ky') } // Set _HTTP_BASE_URL_ for dynamic SSR baseURL process.env._HTTP_BASE_URL_ = options.baseURL logger.debug(`baseURL: ${options.baseURL}`) logger.debug(`browserBaseURL: ${options.browserBaseURL}`) } module.exports = httpModule module.exports.meta = require('../package.json')