All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
* **deps:** (ky) remove response property for the first argument passed to `beforeRetry` hook. You can access it on `error.response` instead.
### Features
* **deps:** update dependency ky to ^0.24.0 ([#131]( ([6d16a87](
* use regex to avoid falsely replacing ports starting with 80 ([#124]( ([e981e62](
* **ky-universal:** server importing es bundle ([#121]( ([029dea6](
* handle runtimeConfig and static target ([b9f5e05](
### Bug Fixes
* build.transpile should be an array ([823204c](, closes [#115](
* ignore proxy headers `content-md4` and `content-type` ([#107]( ([4152f87](
* use local version of ky-universal ([#111]( ([e7cb647](
* allow adding custom headers with nuxt config ([#101]( ([2839260](
* support baseUrl and remove port :443 and :80 when http or https ([#103]( ([fc3e78e](
* remove leading slash when using prefixUrl ([#96]( ([10fbd67](
- Allow creating new instances with `$http.create(kyOptions)` (#3) (#94) ([docs](
* **module:** always set protocol to https when `https: true` is set ([50ef8e0](
* **deps:** update all non-major dependencies ([#90]( ([2f1411b](
* use json serialization for plain array ([#87]( ([febf265](
* **module:** read port and host from options/cli before fallback ([bc58738](
* **types:** replace `JSONValue import from ky to `unknown` ([#63]( ([aff7a35](
* support setting timeout and disable by default ([#51]( ([53287dd](
### Reverts
* revert converting header names to lowercase ([2b0f463](