
109 lines
3.3 KiB

require 'formula'
class Luarocks < Formula
homepage 'http://luarocks.org'
revision 1
stable do
url 'http://luarocks.org/releases/luarocks-2.1.2.tar.gz'
sha1 '406253d15c9d50bb0d09efa9807fb2ddd31cba9d'
# Remove writability checks in the install script.
# Homebrew checks that its install targets are writable, or fails with
# appropriate messaging if not. The check that luarocks does has been
# seen to have false positives, so remove it.
# TODO: better document the false positive cases, or remove this patch.
patch :DATA
head 'https://github.com/keplerproject/luarocks.git'
option 'with-luajit', 'Use LuaJIT instead of the stock Lua'
option 'with-lua51', 'Use Lua 5.1 instead of the stock Lua'
if build.with? "luajit"
depends_on 'luajit'
# luajit depends internally on lua being installed
# and is only 5.1 compatible, see #25954
depends_on 'lua51'
elsif build.with? "lua51"
depends_on 'lua51'
depends_on 'lua'
fails_with :llvm do
cause "Lua itself compiles with llvm, but may fail when other software tries to link."
def install
# Install to the Cellar, but direct modules to HOMEBREW_PREFIX
args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}",
if build.with? "luajit"
luajit_prefix = Formula["luajit"].opt_prefix
args << "--with-lua-include=#{luajit_prefix}/include/luajit-2.0"
args << "--lua-suffix=jit"
args << "--with-lua=#{luajit_prefix}"
system "./configure", *args
system "make"
system "make install"
def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
Rocks install to: #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/luarocks/rocks
You may need to run `luarocks install` inside the Homebrew build
environment for rocks to successfully build. To do this, first run `brew sh`.
test do
opoo "Luarocks test script installs 'lpeg'"
system "#{bin}/luarocks", "install", "lpeg"
system "lua", "-llpeg", "-e", 'print ("Hello World!")'
diff --git a/src/luarocks/fs/lua.lua b/src/luarocks/fs/lua.lua
index 67c3ce0..2d149c7 100644
--- a/src/luarocks/fs/lua.lua
+++ b/src/luarocks/fs/lua.lua
@@ -669,29 +669,5 @@ end
-- @return boolean or (boolean, string): true on success, false on failure,
-- plus an error message.
function check_command_permissions(flags)
- local root_dir = path.root_dir(cfg.rocks_dir)
- local ok = true
- local err = ""
- for _, dir in ipairs { cfg.rocks_dir, root_dir } do
- if fs.exists(dir) and not fs.is_writable(dir) then
- ok = false
- err = "Your user does not have write permissions in " .. dir
- break
- end
- end
- local root_parent = dir.dir_name(root_dir)
- if ok and not fs.exists(root_dir) and not fs.is_writable(root_parent) then
- ok = false
- err = root_dir.." does not exist and your user does not have write permissions in " .. root_parent
- end
- if ok then
- return true
- else
- if flags["local"] then
- err = err .. " \n-- please check your permissions."
- else
- err = err .. " \n-- you may want to run as a privileged user or use your local tree with --local."
- end
- return nil, err
- end
+ return true