
297 lines
9.1 KiB

require 'formula'
def complete?
ARGV.include? "--complete"
def postgres?
ARGV.include? "--with-postgres"
def mysql?
ARGV.include? "--with-mysql"
def no_python?
ARGV.include? "--without-python"
def opencl?
ARGV.include? "--enable-opencl"
class Gdal < Formula
url 'http://download.osgeo.org/gdal/gdal-1.8.1.tar.gz'
homepage 'http://www.gdal.org/'
md5 'b32269893afc9dc9eced45e74e4c6bb4'
head 'https://svn.osgeo.org/gdal/trunk/gdal', :using => :svn
depends_on 'jpeg'
depends_on 'giflib'
depends_on 'proj'
depends_on 'geos'
depends_on "postgresql" if postgres?
depends_on "mysql" if mysql?
if complete?
# Raster libraries
depends_on "netcdf" # Also brings in HDF5
depends_on "jasper" # May need a keg-only GeoJasPer library as this one is
# not geo-spatially enabled.
depends_on "cfitsio"
depends_on "epsilon"
# Vector libraries
depends_on "unixodbc" # OS X version is not complete enough
depends_on "libspatialite"
depends_on "xerces-c"
depends_on "poppler"
# Other libraries
depends_on "xz" # get liblzma compression algorithm library from XZutils
def patches
if complete?
# EPSILON v0.9.x slightly modified the naming of some struct members. A
# fix is in the GDAL trunk but was kept out of 1.8.1 due to concern for
# users of EPSILON v0.8.x. Homebrew installs 0.9.2+ so this concern is a
# moot point.
{:p1 => DATA}
def options
['--complete', 'Use additional Homebrew libraries to provide more drivers.'],
['--with-postgres', 'Specify PostgreSQL as a dependency.'],
['--with-mysql', 'Specify MySQL as a dependency.'],
['--without-python', 'Build without Python support (disables a lot of tools).'],
['--enable-opencl', 'Build with support for OpenCL.']
def get_configure_args
args = [
# Base configuration.
# GDAL native backends.
"--with-libtiff=internal", # For bigTIFF support
# Backends supported by OS X.
# Default Homebrew backends.
# GRASS backend explicitly disabled. Creates a chicken-and-egg problem.
# Should be installed seperately after GRASS installation using the
# official GDAL GRASS plugin.
# OPeNDAP support also explicitly disabled for now---causes the
# configuration of other components such as Curl and Spatialite to fail
# for unknown reasons.
# Optional library support for additional formats.
if complete?
args.concat [
args.concat [
# The following libraries are either proprietary or available under
# non-free licenses. Interested users will have to install such
# software manually.
# Database support.
args << "--without-pg" unless postgres?
args << "--without-mysql" unless mysql?
args << "--without-sde" # ESRI ArcSDE databases
args << "--without-ingres" # Ingres databases
args << "--without-oci" # Oracle databases
args << "--without-idb" # IBM Informix DataBlades
# Hombrew-provided databases.
args << "--with-pg=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/pg_config" if postgres?
args << "--with-mysql=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/mysql_config" if mysql?
args << "--without-python" # Installed using a seperate set of
# steps so that everything winds up
# in the prefix.
# Scripting APIs that have not been re-worked to respect Homebrew prefixes.
# Currently disabled as they install willy-nilly into locations outside of
# the Hombrew prefix. Enable if you feel like it, but uninstallation may be
# a manual affair.
# TODO: Fix installation of script bindings so they install into the
# Homebrew prefix.
args << "--without-perl"
args << "--without-php"
args << "--without-ruby"
# OpenCL support
args << "--with-opencl" if opencl?
return args
def install
system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}", *get_configure_args
system "make"
system "make install"
unless no_python?
# If setuptools happens to be installed, setup.py will cowardly refuse to
# install to anywhere that is not on the PYTHONPATH.
# Really setuptools, we're all consenting adults here...
python_lib = lib + "python"
ENV.append 'PYTHONPATH', python_lib
# setuptools is also apparently incapable of making the directory it's
# self
# `python-config` may try to talk us into building bindings for more
# architectures than we really should.
if MacOS.prefer_64_bit?
ENV.append_to_cflags '-arch x86_64'
ENV.append_to_cflags '-arch i386'
Dir.chdir 'swig/python' do
system "python", "setup.py", "install_lib", "--install-dir=#{python_lib}"
bin.install Dir['scripts/*']
unless no_python?
def caveats
This version of GDAL was built with Python support. In addition to providing
modules that makes GDAL functions available to Python scripts, the Python
binding provides ~18 additional command line tools. However, both the Python
bindings and the additional tools will be unusable unless the following
directory is added to the PYTHONPATH:
This patch updates GDAL to be compatible with EPSILON 0.9.x. Changes sourced from the GDAL trunk:
Patch can be removed when GDAL hits 1.9.0.
diff --git a/frmts/epsilon/epsilondataset.cpp b/frmts/epsilon/epsilondataset.cpp
index b12928a..3f967cc 100644
--- a/frmts/epsilon/epsilondataset.cpp
+++ b/frmts/epsilon/epsilondataset.cpp
@@ -48,6 +48,13 @@ typedef struct
vsi_l_offset offset;
} BlockDesc;
+#define GET_FIELD(hdr, field) \
+ (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.gs.field : hdr.tc.field
+#define GET_FIELD(hdr, field) \
+ (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.hdr_data.gs.field : hdr.hdr_data.tc.field
/* ==================================================================== */
@@ -237,8 +244,8 @@ CPLErr EpsilonRasterBand::IReadBlock( int nBlockXOff,
return CE_Failure;
- int w = (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.gs.w : hdr.tc.w;
- int h = (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.gs.h : hdr.tc.h;
+ int w = GET_FIELD(hdr, w);
+ int h = GET_FIELD(hdr, h);
int i;
if (poGDS->nBands == 1)
@@ -505,12 +512,12 @@ int EpsilonDataset::ScanBlocks(int* pnBands)
- int W = (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.gs.W : hdr.tc.W;
- int H = (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.gs.H : hdr.tc.H;
- int x = (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.gs.x : hdr.tc.x;
- int y = (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.gs.y : hdr.tc.y;
- int w = (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.gs.w : hdr.tc.w;
- int h = (hdr.block_type == EPS_GRAYSCALE_BLOCK) ? hdr.gs.h : hdr.tc.h;
+ int W = GET_FIELD(hdr, W);
+ int H = GET_FIELD(hdr, H);
+ int x = GET_FIELD(hdr, x);
+ int y = GET_FIELD(hdr, y);
+ int w = GET_FIELD(hdr, w);
+ int h = GET_FIELD(hdr, h);
//CPLDebug("EPSILON", "W=%d,H=%d,x=%d,y=%d,w=%d,h=%d,offset=" CPL_FRMT_GUIB,
// W, H, x, y, w, h, nStartBlockFileOff);