
65 lines
2.6 KiB

class RakudoStar < Formula
desc "Rakudo compiler and commonly used packages"
homepage "https://rakudo.org/"
url "https://github.com/rakudo/star/releases/download/2022.12/rakudo-star-2022.12.tar.gz"
sha256 "0b2fe73c8c82295313f4193c6c8b6dd873c28d0bd1667adb907ea362af71c194"
license "Artistic-2.0"
bottle do
sha256 arm64_ventura: "952340ee190ccd8f2ea70496200586381bc27f67502b1f9078ecd091068ec72c"
sha256 arm64_monterey: "9b70e0f7c91465d0a45cbd933846c5ae34fdd14ba80678403d1a7b86a93f5515"
sha256 arm64_big_sur: "8b0b6c1ffc5bd1644b1aac4a65bfe345a9f81d7081d3fd95d16bc595a613ef19"
sha256 ventura: "2afdf467451f0146ed7e5492334f848dda6d535abf2347d6ee5ab8ed2ebe8a66"
sha256 monterey: "dccc08cfe6a9b460c74880d613150011b421dcdf61614df144c631aefc46a54e"
sha256 big_sur: "e23f744f43c547f1b3144e42557f32c0da327f155f39ec45e8bc0967dcd4ca34"
sha256 x86_64_linux: "1ec9d629a5fd958f20a5200648ea2a9c252abd413225459513a4f5e088b7f3de"
depends_on "bash" => :build
depends_on "gmp"
depends_on "icu4c"
depends_on "openssl@3"
depends_on "pcre"
depends_on "readline"
uses_from_macos "libffi", since: :catalina
conflicts_with "moarvm", "nqp", because: "rakudo-star currently ships with moarvm and nqp included"
conflicts_with "parrot"
conflicts_with "rakudo"
def install
if MacOS.version < :catalina
libffi = Formula["libffi"]
ENV.remove "CPPFLAGS", "-I#{libffi.include}"
ENV.prepend "CPPFLAGS", "-I#{libffi.lib}/libffi-#{libffi.version}/include"
ENV.deparallelize # An intermittent race condition causes random build failures.
# make install runs tests that can hang on sierra
# set this variable to skip those tests
# openssl module's brew --prefix openssl probe fails so
# set value here
openssl_prefix = Formula["openssl@3"].opt_prefix
ENV["OPENSSL_PREFIX"] = openssl_prefix.to_s
system "bin/rstar", "install", "-p", prefix.to_s
# Installed scripts are now in share/perl/{site|vendor}/bin, so we need to symlink it too.
bin.install_symlink (share/"perl6/vendor/bin").children
bin.install_symlink (share/"perl6/site/bin").children
# Move the man pages out of the top level into share.
# Not all backends seem to generate man pages at this point (moar does not, parrot does),
# so we need to check if the directory exists first.
share.install prefix/"man" if (prefix/"man").directory?
test do
out = shell_output("#{bin}/raku -e 'loop (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { print $i }'")
assert_equal "0123456789", out