
74 lines
2.6 KiB

require "formula"
class Stunnel < Formula
homepage "http://www.stunnel.org/"
url "ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/networking/stunnel/stunnel-5.04.tar.gz"
mirror "https://www.stunnel.org/downloads/stunnel-5.04.tar.gz"
sha256 "ee9702e073cb8d5940a1310ae171a38d3264f1ce3b087160728bbbcf5710cec1"
bottle do
sha1 "4468beac294b359096183e8653eb2e662acf7748" => :mavericks
sha1 "1fa4437c666131ff2af71077ca7d5fe1d4fd925a" => :mountain_lion
sha1 "58abfa40d4d777666606cd1ece1b0f99458d3a9d" => :lion
depends_on "openssl"
def install
# This causes a bogus .pem to be created in lieu of interactive cert generation.
stunnel_cnf = Pathname.new("tools/stunnel.cnf")
stunnel_cnf.write <<-EOS.undent
# OpenSSL configuration file to create a server certificate
# by Michal Trojnara 1998-2013
[ req ]
# the default key length is secure and quite fast - do not change it
default_bits = 2048
# comment out the next line to protect the private key with a passphrase
encrypt_key = no
distinguished_name = req_dn
x509_extensions = cert_type
prompt = no
[ req_dn ]
countryName = PL
stateOrProvinceName = Mazovia Province
localityName = Warsaw
organizationName = Stunnel Developers
organizationalUnitName = Provisional CA
0.commonName = localhost
# To create a certificate for more than one name uncomment:
# 1.commonName = DNS alias of your server
# 2.commonName = DNS alias of your server
# ...
# See http://home.netscape.com/eng/security/ssl_2.0_certificate.html
# to see how Netscape understands commonName.
[ cert_type ]
nsCertType = server
system "./configure", "--disable-dependency-tracking",
system "make", "install"
def caveats
A bogus SSL server certificate has been installed to:
This certificate will be used by default unless a config file says otherwise!
In your stunnel configuration, specify a SSL certificate with
the "cert =" option for each service.