
134 lines
4.6 KiB

require 'formula'
# Reference: https://github.com/b4winckler/macvim/wiki/building
class Macvim < Formula
homepage 'http://code.google.com/p/macvim/'
url 'https://github.com/b4winckler/macvim/archive/snapshot-73.tar.gz'
version '7.4-73'
sha1 'b87e37fecb305a99bc268becca39f8854e3ff9f0'
revision 1
head 'https://github.com/b4winckler/macvim.git', :branch => 'master'
option "custom-icons", "Try to generate custom document icons"
option "override-system-vim", "Override system vim"
depends_on :xcode => :build
depends_on 'cscope' => :recommended
depends_on 'lua' => :optional
depends_on 'luajit' => :optional
depends_on :python => :recommended
depends_on :python3 => :optional
env :std if MacOS.version <= :snow_leopard
# Help us! We'd like to use superenv in these environments too
def install
# MacVim doesn't have and required any Python package, unset PYTHONPATH.
# Set ARCHFLAGS so the Python app (with C extension) that is
# used to create the custom icons will not try to compile in
# PPC support (which isn't needed in Homebrew-supported systems.)
ENV['ARCHFLAGS'] = "-arch #{MacOS.preferred_arch}"
# If building for 10.7 or up, make sure that CC is set to "clang".
ENV.clang if MacOS.version >= :lion
# macvim only works with the current Ruby.framework because it builds with -framework Ruby
system_ruby = "/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/Current/usr/bin/ruby"
args = %W[
args << "--enable-cscope" if build.with? "cscope"
if build.with? "lua"
args << "--enable-luainterp"
args << "--with-lua-prefix=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}"
if build.with? "luajit"
args << "--enable-luainterp"
args << "--with-lua-prefix=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}"
args << "--with-luajit"
# only allow either python or python3; if the optional
# python3 is chosen, default to it, otherwise use python2
if build.with? "python3"
args << "--enable-python3interp"
elsif build.with? "python"
ENV.prepend "LDFLAGS", `python-config --ldflags`.chomp
ENV.prepend "CFLAGS", `python-config --cflags`.chomp
args << "--enable-pythoninterp"
# configure appends "SDKS/..." to the value of `xcode-select -print-path`,
# but this isn't correct on recent Xcode, so we need to set it manually.
# FIXME this is a bug, and it should be fixed upstream.
unless MacOS::CLT.installed?
args << "--with-developer-dir=#{MacOS::Xcode.prefix}/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer"
args << "--with-macsdk=#{MacOS.version}"
system "./configure", *args
if build.include? "custom-icons"
# Get the custom font used by the icons
system "make", "-C", "src/MacVim/icons", "getenvy"
# Building custom icons fails for many users, so off by default.
inreplace "src/MacVim/icons/Makefile", "$(MAKE) -C makeicns", ""
inreplace "src/MacVim/icons/make_icons.py", "dont_create = False", "dont_create = True"
system "make"
prefix.install "src/MacVim/build/Release/MacVim.app"
inreplace "src/MacVim/mvim", /^# VIM_APP_DIR=\/Applications$/,
bin.install "src/MacVim/mvim"
# Create MacVim vimdiff, view, ex equivalents
executables = %w[mvimdiff mview mvimex gvim gvimdiff gview gvimex]
executables += %w[vi vim vimdiff view vimex] if build.include? "override-system-vim"
executables.each { |e| bin.install_symlink "mvim" => e }
def caveats
if build.with? "python" and build.with? "python3"
MacVim can no longer be brewed with dynamic support for both Python versions.
Only Python 3 support has been provided.
test do
# Simple test to check if MacVim was linked to Python version in $PATH
if build.with? "python"
vim_path = prefix/"MacVim.app/Contents/MacOS/Vim"
# Get linked framework using otool
otool_output = `otool -L #{vim_path} | grep -m 1 Python`.gsub(/\(.*\)/, "").strip.chomp
# Expand the link and get the python exec path
vim_framework_path = Pathname.new(otool_output).realpath.dirname.to_s.chomp
system_framework_path = `python-config --exec-prefix`.chomp
assert_equal system_framework_path, vim_framework_path