
84 lines
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require 'formula'
class Vim < Formula
homepage 'http://www.vim.org/'
# This package tracks debian-unstable: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/vim
url 'http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/v/vim/vim_7.4.027.orig.tar.gz'
sha1 '8d78c0cf545bf75cbcd5e3b709a7d03a568d256e'
head 'https://vim.googlecode.com/hg/'
# We only have special support for finding depends_on :python, but not yet for
# :ruby, :perl etc., so we use the standard environment that leaves the
# PATH as the user has set it right now.
env :std
option "override-system-vi", "Override system vi"
option "disable-nls", "Build vim without National Language Support (translated messages, keymaps)"
LANGUAGES_OPTIONAL = %w(lua mzscheme perl tcl)
LANGUAGES_DEFAULT = %w(ruby python)
LANGUAGES_OPTIONAL.each do |language|
option "with-#{language}", "Build vim with #{language} support"
LANGUAGES_DEFAULT.each do |language|
option "without-#{language}", "Build vim without #{language} support"
depends_on :python => :recommended
depends_on 'lua' => :optional
def install
ENV['LUA_PREFIX'] = HOMEBREW_PREFIX if build.with?('lua')
opts = []
opts += LANGUAGES_OPTIONAL.map do |language|
"--enable-#{language}interp" if build.with? language
opts += LANGUAGES_DEFAULT.map do |language|
"--enable-#{language}interp" unless build.without? language
opts << "--disable-nls" if build.include? "disable-nls"
if python
if python.brewed?
# Avoid that vim always links System's Python even if configure tells us
# it has found a brewed Python. Verify with `otool -L`.
ENV.prepend 'LDFLAGS', "-F#{python.framework}"
elsif python.from_osx? && !MacOS::CLT.installed?
# Avoid `Python.h not found` on 10.8 with Xcode-only
ENV.append 'CFLAGS', "-I#{python.incdir}", ' '
# opts << "--with-python-config-dir=#{python.libdir}"
# XXX: Please do not submit a pull request that hardcodes the path
# to ruby: vim can be compiled against 1.8.x or 1.9.3-p385 and up.
# If you have problems with vim because of ruby, ensure a compatible
# version is first in your PATH when building vim.
# We specify HOMEBREW_PREFIX as the prefix to make vim look in the
# the right place (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/share/vim/{vimrc,vimfiles}) for
# system vimscript files. We specify the normal installation prefix
# when calling "make install".
system "./configure", "--prefix=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}",
system "make"
# If stripping the binaries is not enabled, vim will segfault with
# statically-linked interpreters like ruby
# http://code.google.com/p/vim/issues/detail?id=114&thanks=114&ts=1361483471
system "make", "install", "prefix=#{prefix}", "STRIP=/usr/bin/true"
ln_s bin+'vim', bin+'vi' if build.include? 'override-system-vi'