
84 lines
2.8 KiB

require 'formula'
class LuaRequirement < Requirement
fatal true
default_formula 'lua'
satisfy { which 'lua' }
class Gnuplot < Formula
homepage 'http://www.gnuplot.info'
url 'http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/gnuplot/gnuplot/4.6.3/gnuplot-4.6.3.tar.gz'
sha256 'df5ffafa25fb32b3ecc0206a520f6bca8680e6dcc961efd30df34c0a1b7ea7f5'
head do
url 'cvs://:pserver:anonymous@gnuplot.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/gnuplot:gnuplot'
depends_on :automake
depends_on :libtool
option 'pdf', 'Build the PDF terminal using pdflib-lite'
option 'wx', 'Build the wxWidgets terminal using pango'
option 'with-x', 'Build the X11 terminal'
option 'qt', 'Build the Qt4 terminal'
option 'cairo', 'Build the Cairo based terminals'
option 'nolua', 'Build without the lua/TikZ terminal'
option 'nogd', 'Build without gd support'
option 'tests', 'Verify the build with make check (1 min)'
option 'without-emacs', 'Do not build Emacs lisp files'
option 'latex', 'Build with LaTeX support'
depends_on 'pkg-config' => :build
depends_on LuaRequirement unless build.include? 'nolua'
depends_on 'readline'
depends_on 'pango' if build.include? 'cairo' or build.include? 'wx'
depends_on :x11 if build.include? 'with-x' or MacOS::X11.installed?
depends_on 'pdflib-lite' if build.include? 'pdf'
depends_on 'gd' unless build.include? 'nogd'
depends_on 'wxmac' if build.include? 'wx'
depends_on 'qt' if build.include? 'qt'
depends_on :tex if build.include? 'latex'
def install
# Help configure find libraries
readline = Formula.factory 'readline'
pdflib = Formula.factory 'pdflib-lite'
gd = Formula.factory 'gd'
args = %W[
args << "--with-pdf=#{pdflib.opt_prefix}" if build.include? 'pdf'
args << '--with' + ((build.include? 'nogd') ? 'out-gd' : "-gd=#{gd.opt_prefix}")
args << '--disable-wxwidgets' unless build.include? 'wx'
args << '--without-cairo' unless build.include? 'cairo'
args << '--enable-qt' if build.include? 'qt'
args << '--without-lua' if build.include? 'nolua'
args << '--without-lisp-files' if build.include? 'without-emacs'
if build.include? 'latex'
args << '--with-latex'
args << '--with-tutorial'
args << '--without-latex'
args << '--without-tutorial'
system './prepare' if build.head?
system "./configure", *args
ENV.j1 # or else emacs tries to edit the same file with two threads
system 'make'
system 'make check' if build.include? 'tests' # Awesome testsuite
system "make install"
def test
system "#{bin}/gnuplot", "--version"