
112 lines
4.0 KiB

class Hdf5 < Formula
desc "File format designed to store large amounts of data"
homepage "https://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5"
url "https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases/hdf5-1.12/hdf5-1.12.2/src/hdf5-1.12.2.tar.bz2"
sha256 "1a88bbe36213a2cea0c8397201a459643e7155c9dc91e062675b3fb07ee38afe"
license "BSD-3-Clause"
revision 2
version_scheme 1
# This regex isn't matching filenames within href attributes (as we normally
# do on HTML pages) because this page uses JavaScript to handle the download
# buttons and the HTML doesn't contain the related URLs.
livecheck do
url "https://www.hdfgroup.org/downloads/hdf5/source-code/"
bottle do
sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_monterey: "be3e935473b18d51e1d8fcd3ac08ab24084bad5304fca18f55811ffd21bb4c74"
sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "86cb013d39a9b59dc71fbcdb12fcc2051f2e3fa3abcc47e49a44b9447ada3a49"
sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "4857771f10068ad7bde8c0fd7bad17069a3ccd58862a0ab19ce1f093dc173ab4"
sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "42b85f81e839ad8e5c0667d13b55ab56e83336a00809538c4bbb84c72825c00d"
sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "c4a7d6bc2b3c233b802f8584e30236eb7d62f911274f93c99321bcae61df49cb"
sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "308e114d6b3c43eec5e6933d2fd823d59dc1ec0e0444598278f9599cacd73e28"
depends_on "autoconf" => :build
depends_on "automake" => :build
depends_on "libtool" => :build
depends_on "gcc" # for gfortran
depends_on "libaec"
uses_from_macos "zlib"
conflicts_with "hdf5-mpi", because: "hdf5-mpi is a variant of hdf5, one can only use one or the other"
def install
inreplace %w[c++/src/h5c++.in fortran/src/h5fc.in bin/h5cc.in],
inreplace "src/Makefile.am",
system "autoreconf", "--force", "--install", "--verbose"
args = %W[
args << "--with-zlib=#{Formula["zlib"].opt_prefix}" if OS.linux?
system "./configure", *args
# Avoid shims in settings file
inreplace "src/libhdf5.settings", Superenv.shims_path/ENV.cxx, ENV.cxx
inreplace "src/libhdf5.settings", Superenv.shims_path/ENV.cc, ENV.cc
system "make", "install"
test do
(testpath/"test.c").write <<~EOS
#include <stdio.h>
#include "hdf5.h"
int main()
printf("%d.%d.%d\\n", H5_VERS_MAJOR, H5_VERS_MINOR, H5_VERS_RELEASE);
return 0;
system "#{bin}/h5cc", "test.c"
assert_equal version.to_s, shell_output("./a.out").chomp
(testpath/"test.f90").write <<~EOS
use hdf5
integer(hid_t) :: f, dspace, dset
integer(hsize_t), dimension(2) :: dims = [2, 2]
integer :: error = 0, major, minor, rel
call h5open_f (error)
if (error /= 0) call abort
call h5fcreate_f ("test.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC_F, f, error)
if (error /= 0) call abort
call h5screate_simple_f (2, dims, dspace, error)
if (error /= 0) call abort
call h5dcreate_f (f, "data", H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, dspace, dset, error)
if (error /= 0) call abort
call h5dclose_f (dset, error)
if (error /= 0) call abort
call h5sclose_f (dspace, error)
if (error /= 0) call abort
call h5fclose_f (f, error)
if (error /= 0) call abort
call h5close_f (error)
if (error /= 0) call abort
CALL h5get_libversion_f (major, minor, rel, error)
if (error /= 0) call abort
write (*,"(I0,'.',I0,'.',I0)") major, minor, rel
system "#{bin}/h5fc", "test.f90"
assert_equal version.to_s, shell_output("./a.out").chomp