
92 lines
3.8 KiB

class Vim < Formula
desc "Vi 'workalike' with many additional features"
homepage "https://www.vim.org/"
# vim should only be updated every 50 releases on multiples of 50
url "https://github.com/vim/vim/archive/v9.0.0800.tar.gz"
sha256 "2665476c5b3cbf4005e0ed859fe75fbc258c519b0ee72707da2a3385719d1a09"
license "Vim"
head "https://github.com/vim/vim.git", branch: "master"
# The Vim repository contains thousands of tags and the `Git` strategy isn't
# ideal in this context. This is an exceptional situation, so this checks the
# first page of tags on GitHub (to minimize data transfer).
livecheck do
url "https://github.com/vim/vim/tags"
regex(%r{href=["']?[^"' >]*?/tag/v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)["' >]}i)
strategy :page_match
bottle do
sha256 arm64_ventura: "bb245aeca16fe576bbc88e4b30ee3e6818e3b279727f04d89572f347f2b8451a"
sha256 arm64_monterey: "94167ed87b49361bb2a5769070b8b1be4c33819baaae64610b50966f7654884e"
sha256 arm64_big_sur: "07ba972e080d8fb8a6fac1b1fc9fcc3c3273eda0333969e82cc34163ebf9cf30"
sha256 monterey: "5f775ede2c1b12ae5a4e1fe16be03acb4e5ee19ed1946b3aab860a77db852a61"
sha256 big_sur: "a350badaaaf8b5392c0b3dbd0d73a6a4de72d46f80d84945edf32ea4b6e5ec18"
sha256 catalina: "12a9e96526bd1273f09a8808cf957bcda0a3d6e0980fd1f5216972c866005231"
sha256 x86_64_linux: "b3db15a4cde19969d67d7d3dd0937b478b7623377403f91a407acd3940a52434"
depends_on "gettext"
depends_on "lua"
depends_on "ncurses"
depends_on "perl"
depends_on "python@3.10"
depends_on "ruby"
conflicts_with "ex-vi",
because: "vim and ex-vi both install bin/ex and bin/view"
conflicts_with "macvim",
because: "vim and macvim both install vi* binaries"
def install
ENV.prepend_path "PATH", Formula["python@3.10"].opt_libexec/"bin"
# https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/1046
# vim doesn't require any Python package, unset PYTHONPATH.
# We specify HOMEBREW_PREFIX as the prefix to make vim look in the
# the right place (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/share/vim/{vimrc,vimfiles}) for
# system vimscript files. We specify the normal installation prefix
# when calling "make install".
# Homebrew will use the first suitable Perl & Ruby in your PATH if you
# build from source. Please don't attempt to hardcode either.
system "./configure", "--prefix=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}",
system "make"
# Parallel install could miss some symlinks
# https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/1031
# If stripping the binaries is enabled, vim will segfault with
# statically-linked interpreters like ruby
# https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/114
system "make", "install", "prefix=#{prefix}", "STRIP=#{which "true"}"
bin.install_symlink "vim" => "vi"
test do
(testpath/"commands.vim").write <<~EOS
:python3 import vim; vim.current.buffer[0] = 'hello python3'
system bin/"vim", "-T", "dumb", "-s", "commands.vim", "test.txt"
assert_equal "hello python3", File.read("test.txt").chomp
assert_match "+gettext", shell_output("#{bin}/vim --version")