
58 lines
3.0 KiB

class Chisel < Formula
desc "Collection of LLDB commands to assist debugging iOS apps"
homepage "https://github.com/facebook/chisel"
url "https://github.com/facebook/chisel/archive/2.0.1.tar.gz"
sha256 "6f019d5e7ab5eb06542a9eccbbe29e7d26165d3676828a32e143575ff102d5f9"
license "MIT"
head "https://github.com/facebook/chisel.git", branch: "master"
bottle do
sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_ventura: "7ee4917934831d56a5925fb22554c0dd136f8553df9c92067e4564e527371e82"
sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_monterey: "1aa32fddf646ce4a2772d5e10b39fddbe54a6383299346321d5d0dd067388471"
sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "bd381685bf1bf3682e51c355acbca980b35659b8161f226329b3a0196aab55df"
sha256 cellar: :any, ventura: "a07aface409179d4adea4e96654390ac19f6cc2422d0fa1e87d6331f68aa7782"
sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "712007f0f4abd29073239839bd606dba927353444cf6baf4b058aedc92c17f0c"
sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "bec2fe6d1e6afec5b3b1c79f5f11b9f2219ff8e22d81e1b343cf525b91ea220e"
sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "7ef6b79ffa9641e0617b2aec1b4f3dfcea59fc4059887c0d734baa1bda20441d"
sha256 cellar: :any, mojave: "70b49b0ba45571db3341adf586e1498a041492745cfa2130b2ef95b81d14fb85"
sha256 cellar: :any, high_sierra: "41797386262e226cf471995eac8ec50dffbf622140634254c6a7dab8a9471b48"
depends_on :macos
def install
libexec.install Dir["*.py", "commands"]
# Fix: clang: error: the clang compiler does not support '-march=nehalem'
inreplace "Chisel/Makefile", "xcodebuild", "xcodebuild -arch #{Hardware::CPU.arch}"
# Fix: error: The Legacy Build System will be removed in a future release
inreplace "Chisel/Chisel.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings",
# == LD_DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME Explanation ==
# This make invocation calls xcodebuild, which in turn performs ad hoc code
# signing. Note that ad hoc code signing does not need signing identities.
# Brew will update binaries to ensure their internal paths are usable, but
# modifying a code signed binary will invalidate the signature. To prevent
# broken signing, this build specifies the target install name up front,
# in which case brew doesn't perform its modifications.
system "make", "-C", "Chisel", "install", "PREFIX=#{lib}",
def caveats
Add the following line to ~/.lldbinit to load chisel when Xcode launches:
command script import #{opt_libexec}/fbchisellldb.py
test do
ENV["PYTHONPATH"] = Utils.safe_popen_read("/usr/bin/lldb", "--python-path").chomp
# This *must* be `/usr/bin/python3`. `fbchisellldb.py` does `import lldb`,
# which will segfault if imported with a Python that does not match `/usr/bin/lldb`.
system "/usr/bin/python3", libexec/"fbchisellldb.py"