
48 lines
2.2 KiB

class FuncE < Formula
desc "Easily run Envoy"
homepage "https://func-e.io"
url "https://github.com/tetratelabs/func-e/archive/v1.1.4.tar.gz"
sha256 "f8829bde3201960edbea764002c16ade4d68e0a7ddc453d042cd1fb5bba3f6d5"
license "Apache-2.0"
bottle do
sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_ventura: "83588b07dd168fdf5138e2b55d5388423b8f4c138a18f7de3186fd512f23bdbe"
sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_monterey: "c2969bb7e8054052b3736688519486280031fa0224a9d4a9de20394bce7ce514"
sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, ventura: "d00c61a8a944fcf6b8aa3338d755a9534f0cf1379ad94d870c93dc7b203f3b46"
sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, monterey: "ecfeb425d1362879536b073f154b3f8957c889288495e5f533a367d1bee3e0e3"
sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "9271ead514ec571869cb59f8f6eef82935489654b33b25497ce72aa12baff3df"
depends_on "go" => :build
# archive-envoy does not support macos-11
# https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/119899#issuecomment-1374663837
depends_on macos: :monterey
def install
ldflags = %W[
-s -w
-X main.version=#{version}
system "go", "build", *std_go_args(ldflags: ldflags)
test do
func_e_home = testpath/".func-e"
ENV["FUNC_E_HOME"] = func_e_home
# While this says "--version", this is a legitimate test as the --version is interpreted by Envoy.
# Specifically, func-e downloads and installs Envoy. Finally, it runs `envoy --version`
run_output = shell_output("#{bin}/func-e run --version")
# We intentionally aren't choosing an Envoy version. The version file will have the last minor. Ex. 1.19
installed_envoy_minor = (func_e_home/"version").read
# Use a glob to resolve the full path to Envoy's binary. The dist is under the patch version. Ex. 1.19.1
envoy_bin = func_e_home.glob("versions/#{installed_envoy_minor}.*/bin/envoy").first
assert_path_exists envoy_bin
# Test output from the `envoy --version`. This uses a regex because we won't know the commit etc used. Ex.
# envoy version: 98c1c9e9a40804b93b074badad1cdf284b47d58b/1.18.3/Modified/RELEASE/BoringSSL
assert_match %r{envoy +version: [a-f0-9]{40}/#{installed_envoy_minor}\.[0-9]+/}, run_output