
128 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable File

class SynergyCore < Formula
desc "Synergy, the keyboard and mouse sharing tool"
homepage "https://symless.com/synergy"
# The synergy-core/LICENSE file contains the following preamble:
# This program is released under the GPL with the additional exemption
# that compiling, linking, and/or using OpenSSL is allowed.
# This preamble is followed by the text of the GPL-2.0.
# The synergy-core license is a free software license but it cannot be
# represented with the brew `license` statement.
# The GitHub Licenses API incorrectly says that this project is licensed
# strictly under GPLv2 (rather than GPLv2 plus a special exception).
# This requires synergy-core to appear as an exception in:
# audit_exceptions/permitted_formula_license_mismatches.json
# That exception can be removed if the nonfree GitHub Licenses API is fixed.
license :cannot_represent
head "https://github.com/symless/synergy-core.git", branch: "master"
stable do
url "https://github.com/symless/synergy-core/archive/refs/tags/v1.14.4.37-stable.tar.gz"
sha256 "081735f032a2909c65322d43bcaf463bca05f88a05882c706762c959cd4bbec6"
# This repository contains old 2.0.0 tags, one of which uses a stable tag
# format (`v2.0.0-stable`), despite being marked as "pre-release" on GitHub.
# The `GithubLatest` strategy is used to avoid these old tags without having
# to worry about missing a new 2.0.0 version in the future.
livecheck do
url :stable
regex(%r{href=["']?[^"' >]*?/tag/[^"' >]*?v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)[^"' >]*?["' >]}i)
strategy :github_latest
bottle do
sha256 arm64_monterey: "93130d9add2ff477b7ab848e0f4b4336031ca0ff50dddc2b67cfaef51040bd56"
sha256 arm64_big_sur: "5d3fab34b90a58e079012cc8d2b7f441ad098214161d83894558177b356ed2ed"
sha256 monterey: "2fcafb9115be3180db650acf09ba588ebfadb9c0f8c4a0ecde4d56f9df458206"
sha256 big_sur: "ea0c6b24239d0e24a28cc5a8668cf85b956f3d4d2f43d0102c5a43742a07d49b"
sha256 catalina: "f1666f47106ce89f7607d0e24ed2dd9d1d5d3ac0dce72357ff81c0f4b55612ec"
sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "cbab7cd07ce0f831b70812149aba63de79a8ab7cf998396e44742065249082b6"
depends_on "cmake" => :build
depends_on "openssl@3"
depends_on "pugixml"
depends_on "qt@5"
on_linux do
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "gcc" # For C++17 support.
depends_on "gdk-pixbuf"
depends_on "glib"
depends_on "libnotify"
depends_on "libxkbfile"
fails_with gcc: "5" do
cause "synergy-core requires C++17 support"
def install
# Use the standard brew installation path.
inreplace "CMakeLists.txt",
system "cmake", "-S", ".", "-B", "build", *std_cmake_args,
system "cmake", "--build", "build"
system "cmake", "--install", "build"
if OS.mac?
bin.install_symlink prefix/"bundle/Synergy.app/Contents/MacOS/synergy" # main GUI program
bin.install_symlink prefix/"bundle/Synergy.app/Contents/MacOS/synergys" # server
bin.install_symlink prefix/"bundle/Synergy.app/Contents/MacOS/synergyc" # client
service do
run [opt_bin/"synergy"]
run_type :immediate
def caveats
# Because we used `license :cannot_represent` above, tell the user how to
# read the license.
s = <<~EOS
Read the synergy-core license here:
# The binaries built by brew are not signed by a trusted certificate, so the
# user may need to revoke all permissions for 'Accessibility' and re-grant
# them when upgrading synergy-core.
on_macos do
s += "\n" + <<~EOS
Synergy requires the 'Accessibility' permission.
You can grant this permission by navigating to:
System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy -> Accessibility
If Synergy still doesn't work, try clearing the 'Accessibility' list:
sudo tccutil reset Accessibility
You can then grant the 'Accessibility' permission again.
You may need to clear this list each time you upgrade synergy-core.
test do
assert_equal shell_output("#{opt_bin}/synergys", 4),
"synergys: no configuration available\n"
assert_equal shell_output("#{opt_bin}/synergyc", 3).split("\n")[0],
"synergyc: a server address or name is required"
return if head?
version_string = Regexp.quote(version.major_minor_patch)
assert_match(/synergys #{version_string}[\-.0-9a-z]*, protocol version/,
shell_output("#{opt_bin}/synergys --version", 3).lines.first)
assert_match(/synergyc #{version_string}[\-.0-9a-z]*, protocol version/,
shell_output("#{opt_bin}/synergyc --version", 3).lines.first)