148 lines
5.4 KiB
148 lines
5.4 KiB
class Cedille < Formula
desc "Language based on the Calculus of Dependent Lambda Eliminations"
homepage "https://cedille.github.io/"
url "https://github.com/cedille/cedille.git",
tag: "v1.1.2",
revision: "4d8a343a8d3f0b318e3c1b3209d216912dbc06ee"
license "MIT"
revision 4
head "https://github.com/cedille/cedille.git", branch: "master"
bottle do
sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_monterey: "a49d286082a5d3ea1bc7fd8aee7083cee2d4781411efd2bf340e683feb5f0835"
sha256 cellar: :any, arm64_big_sur: "6623450409aa88704591d4e37e79706c49e339a86522c80fabe28aaa2ff3f371"
sha256 cellar: :any, monterey: "69a46bf138fbbd7bd38d0e32eb379f3d60592af5e640a21617bc81822fd87112"
sha256 cellar: :any, big_sur: "07b814c44f0479af4f9397b2f8f58bec7fa89a8aca1b7febb206f66269fddd68"
sha256 cellar: :any, catalina: "3461a6fb6fac42f6b8127fb63664fa8bb11e8a7de2ea0905faa14a9d8b96eeb2"
sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "91bb84bb30f83f200a24377e0c6c692d0dd3d09aa6a105bf932a0f26365aabe5"
depends_on "haskell-stack" => :build
depends_on "ghc"
# needed to build with agda 2.6.1
# taken from https://github.com/cedille/cedille/pull/144/files
# but added at the bottom to apply cleanly on v1.1.2
# remove once this is merged into cedille, AND formula updated to
# a release that contains it
patch :DATA
def install
inreplace "stack.yaml", "resolver: lts-12.26", <<~EOS
resolver: lts-16.12
compiler: ghc-#{Formula["ghc"].version}
compiler-check: newer-minor
allow-newer: true
system-ghc: true
install-ghc: false
# Build fails with agda >= 2.6.2, so locally install agda 2.6.1.
# Issue ref: https://github.com/cedille/cedille/issues/162
# TODO: on next release, switch to `depends_on "agda"` if supported,
# or reduce list to `Agda alex happy` once stack.yaml includes extra-deps.
deps = %w[
system "stack", "build", "--copy-bins", "--local-bin-path=#{buildpath}/bin", *deps
ENV.append_path "PATH", buildpath/"bin"
system "stack", "build", "--copy-bins", "--local-bin-path=#{bin}"
system "make", "core/cedille-core"
# binaries and elisp
bin.install "core/cedille-core"
elisp.install "cedille-mode.el", "cedille-mode", "se-mode"
# standard libraries
(lib/"cedille").install "lib", "new-lib"
# documentation
doc.install Dir["docs/html/*"]
(doc/"semantics").install "docs/semantics/paper.pdf"
info.install "docs/info/cedille-info-main.info"
test do
coretest = testpath/"core-test.ced"
coretest.write <<~EOS
module core-test.
id = Λ X: ★. λ x: X. x.
cNat : ★ = ∀ X: ★. Π _: X. Π _: Π _: X. X. X.
czero = Λ X: ★. λ x: X. λ f: Π _: X. X. x.
csucc = λ n: cNat. Λ X: ★. λ x: X. λ f: Π _: X. X. f (n ·X x f).
iNat : Π n: cNat. ★
= λ n: cNat. ∀ P: Π _: cNat. ★.
Π _: P czero. Π _: ∀ n: cNat. Π p: P n. P (csucc n). P n.
= Λ P: Π _: cNat. ★.
λ base: P czero. λ step: ∀ n: cNat. Π p: P n. P (csucc n). base.
= Λ n: cNat. λ i: iNat n. Λ P: Π _: cNat. ★.
λ base: P czero. λ step: ∀ n: cNat. Π p: P n. P (csucc n).
step -n (i ·P base step).
Nat : ★ = ι x: cNat. iNat x.
zero = [ czero, izero @ x. iNat x ].
succ = λ n: Nat. [ csucc n.1, isucc -n.1 n.2 @x. iNat x ].
cedilletest = testpath/"cedille-test.ced"
cedilletest.write <<~EOS
module cedille-test.
id : ∀ X: ★. X ➔ X = Λ X. λ x. x.
cNat : ★ = ∀ X: ★. X ➔ (X ➔ X) ➔ X.
czero : cNat = Λ X. λ x. λ f. x.
csucc : cNat ➔ cNat = λ n. Λ X. λ x. λ f. f (n x f).
iNat : cNat ➔ ★
= λ n: cNat. ∀ P: cNat ➔ ★.
P czero ➔ (∀ n: cNat. P n ➔ P (csucc n)) ➔ P n.
izero : iNat czero = Λ P. λ base. λ step. base.
isucc : ∀ n: cNat. iNat n ➔ iNat (csucc n)
= Λ n. λ i. Λ P. λ base. λ step. step -n (i base step).
Nat : ★ = ι n: cNat. iNat n.
zero : Nat = [ czero, izero ].
succ : Nat ➔ Nat = λ n. [ csucc n.1, isucc -n.1 n.2 ].
# test cedille-core
system bin/"cedille-core", coretest
# test cedille
system bin/"cedille", cedilletest
diff --git a/src/to-string.agda b/src/to-string.agda
index 2505942..051a2da 100644
--- a/src/to-string.agda
+++ b/src/to-string.agda
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ no-parens {TK} _ _ _ = tt
no-parens {QUALIF} _ _ _ = tt
no-parens {ARG} _ _ _ = tt
-pattern ced-ops-drop-spine = cedille-options.options.mk-options _ _ _ _ ff _ _ _ ff _
-pattern ced-ops-conv-arr = cedille-options.options.mk-options _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ff _
-pattern ced-ops-conv-abs = cedille-options.options.mk-options _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tt _
+pattern ced-ops-drop-spine = cedille-options.mk-options _ _ _ _ ff _ _ _ ff _
+pattern ced-ops-conv-arr = cedille-options.mk-options _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ff _
+pattern ced-ops-conv-abs = cedille-options.mk-options _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tt _
drop-spine : cedille-options.options → {ed : exprd} → ctxt → ⟦ ed ⟧ → ⟦ ed ⟧
drop-spine ops @ ced-ops-drop-spine = h