
55 lines
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class EcflowUi < Formula
desc "User interface for client/server workflow package"
homepage "https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/ECFLOW"
url "https://confluence.ecmwf.int/download/attachments/8650755/ecFlow-5.9.1-Source.tar.gz"
sha256 "40f09a4a3d4dfbd1081aabf3dd0c949d394455c6989820ee469d4328f2d57af1"
license "Apache-2.0"
bottle do
sha256 arm64_ventura: "ec7de105accd483779ab8a5e6c0883befb41331a30a3a41e499fd70494b3c082"
sha256 arm64_monterey: "6ae1e4af4d37930f8b3f9f2ac9eee1b21ce144f3ef3df8668d4a16d585e8dd41"
sha256 arm64_big_sur: "b390efe842995399d306f2b2b3a80b6208129d01a4572172997ebaea899e514d"
sha256 monterey: "eb02666119c06fc883ae3259c003cdc29b7c15bc4fd35215f926e7a05c0ced38"
sha256 big_sur: "71d788e687f913a6679a9ab86048bd34001a955780917670299c002cc1986c01"
sha256 catalina: "6fe63e6d15f115811414b11a7adc75c95c6a34ac1a14ec02b298e7d0ba6a9f1e"
sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "b39d53e2aec7fbc02b39bbffbc361b2a8d0753aeabde1061ce44ab2429a568c0"
depends_on "boost" => :build
depends_on "cmake" => :build
depends_on "openssl@1.1"
depends_on "qt"
# requires C++17 compiler to build with Qt
fails_with gcc: "5"
def install
mkdir "build" do
system "cmake", "..",
system "make", "install"
# current tests assume the existence of ecflow_client, but we may not always supply
# this in future versions, but for now it's the best test we can do to make sure things
# are linked properly
test do
# check that the binary runs and that it can read its config and picks up the
# correct version number from it
binary_version_out = shell_output("#{bin}/ecflow_ui.x --version")
assert_match @version.to_s, binary_version_out
# check that the startup script runs
system "#{bin}/ecflow_ui", "-h"
help_out = shell_output("#{bin}/ecflow_ui -h")
assert_match "ecFlowUI", help_out
assert_match "fontsize", help_out
assert_match "start with the specified configuraton directory", help_out