
108 lines
3.8 KiB

require "formula"
# Note: Mutt has a large number of non-upstream patches available for it,
# some of which conflict with each other. These patches are also not kept
# up-to-date when new versions of mutt (occasionally) come out.
# To reduce Homebrew's maintainence burden, new patches are not being
# accepted for this formula. Mutt power-users are encouraged to copy the
# formula and modify it locally, adding needed patches.
class Mutt < Formula
homepage "http://www.mutt.org/"
url "ftp://ftp.mutt.org/mutt/mutt-1.5.23.tar.gz"
mirror "http://fossies.org/linux/misc/mutt-1.5.23.tar.gz"
sha1 "8ac821d8b1e25504a31bf5fda9c08d93a4acc862"
revision 2
bottle do
revision 2
sha1 "1306f6eb8d79e64ab369831b0023b1e3d639e5ee" => :mavericks
sha1 "96f9ac81c213f4dfc6316423538dfd449bd65fbf" => :mountain_lion
sha1 "32d9a238d78473af52188dcfa07e33a0da018911" => :lion
head do
url "http://dev.mutt.org/hg/mutt#default", :using => :hg
resource "html" do
url "http://dev.mutt.org/doc/manual.html", :using => :nounzip
unless Tab.for_name("signing-party").with? "rename-pgpring"
conflicts_with "signing-party",
:because => "mutt installs a private copy of pgpring"
conflicts_with "tin",
:because => "both install mmdf.5 and mbox.5 man pages"
option "with-debug", "Build with debug option enabled"
option "with-trash-patch", "Apply trash folder patch"
option "with-s-lang", "Build against slang instead of ncurses"
option "with-ignore-thread-patch", "Apply ignore-thread patch"
option "with-pgp-verbose-mime-patch", "Apply PGP verbose mime patch"
option "with-confirm-attachment-patch", "Apply confirm attachment patch"
depends_on "autoconf" => :build
depends_on "automake" => :build
depends_on "openssl"
depends_on "tokyo-cabinet"
depends_on "s-lang" => :optional
depends_on "gpgme" => :optional
patch do
url "ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/distfiles/mutt/trashfolder-1.5.22.diff0.gz"
sha1 "c597566c26e270b99c6f57e046512a663d2f415e"
end if build.with? "trash-patch"
# original source for this went missing, patch sourced from Arch at
# https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/mutt-ignore-thread/
patch do
url "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/mistydemeo/5522742/raw/1439cc157ab673dc8061784829eea267cd736624/ignore-thread-1.5.21.patch"
sha1 "dbcf5de46a559bca425028a18da0a63d34f722d3"
end if build.with? "ignore-thread-patch"
patch do
url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/psych0tik/mutt/73c09bc56e79605cf421a31c7e36958422055a20/debian/patches/features-old/patch-1.5.4.vk.pgp_verbose_mime"
sha1 "a436f967aa46663cfc9b8933a6499ca165ec0a21"
end if build.with? "pgp-verbose-mime-patch"
patch do
url "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/tlvince/5741641/raw/c926ca307dc97727c2bd88a84dcb0d7ac3bb4bf5/mutt-attach.patch"
sha1 "94da52d50508d8951aa78ca4b073023414866be1"
end if build.with? "confirm-attachment-patch"
def install
args = ["--disable-dependency-tracking",
# This is just a trick to keep 'make install' from trying to chgrp
# the mutt_dotlock file (which we can't do if we're running as an
# unpriviledged user)
args << "--with-slang" if build.with? "s-lang"
args << "--enable-gpgme" if build.with? "gpgme"
if build.with? "debug"
args << "--enable-debug"
args << "--disable-debug"
system "./prepare", *args
system "make"
system "make", "install"
doc.install resource("html") if build.head?