
88 lines
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# NetHack the way God intended it to be played: from a terminal.
# This formula is based on the NetHack formula.
class Jnethack < Formula
desc "Japanese localization of NetHack"
homepage "https://jnethack.osdn.jp/"
# We use a git checkout to avoid patching the upstream NetHack tarball.
url "https://scm.osdn.net/gitroot/jnethack/source.git",
tag: "v3.6.6-0.5",
revision: "b73f026674d524b563794826884c141ae8217dea"
license "NGPL"
head "https://github.com/jnethack/jnethack-alpha.git", branch: "develop"
bottle do
sha256 arm64_monterey: "4c59235ec6822463a71c1d9b422e01275ec47f5e7f7e31985f34946b2faa67a4"
sha256 arm64_big_sur: "2c689f7800cbb1e8871c61a9942a8509e9948a7915b6602b3079dddd70cec2f3"
sha256 monterey: "262dfe4f07fb46856aab7d687de50e0b06865205ca9441b8e1c2e3fe3d1cd1d3"
sha256 big_sur: "992e84d15108722136983844bd6a34cb7f5463e5bd697b32ac7659419f5bc21b"
sha256 catalina: "f59a9c1dc29af967186ad412078b7fde04b2ff21701c920f97a21ac63ef14524"
sha256 x86_64_linux: "e8c746c0df2deb305dfcbd6427281d2d0f69cf9a011e05e29ce97403352c74ee"
depends_on "nkf" => :build
uses_from_macos "bison" => :build
uses_from_macos "flex" => :build
uses_from_macos "ncurses"
# Don't remove save folder
skip_clean "libexec/save"
def install
# Build everything in-order; no multi builds.
# Enable wizard mode for all users
inreplace "sys/unix/sysconf", /^WIZARDS=.*/, "WIZARDS=*"
platform = OS.mac? ? "macosx10.10" : OS.kernel_name.downcase
# Only this file is touched by jNetHack, so don't switch on macOS versions
inreplace "sys/unix/hints/#{platform}" do |s|
# macOS clang doesn't support code page 932
s.gsub! "-fexec-charset=cp932", "" if OS.mac?
s.change_make_var! "HACKDIR", libexec
s.change_make_var! "CHOWN", "true"
s.change_make_var! "CHGRP", "true"
# Setting VAR_PLAYGROUND preserves saves across upgrades. With a bit of
# work this could share leaderboards with English NetHack, however bones
# and save files are much tricker. We could set those separately but
# it's probably not worth the extra trouble. New curses backend is not
# supported by jNetHack.
replace_string = OS.mac? ? "#WANT_WIN_CURSES=1" : "#CFLAGS+=-DEXTRA_SANITY_CHECKS"
s.gsub! replace_string, "CFLAGS+=-DVAR_PLAYGROUND='\"#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/jnethack\"'"
# We use the Linux version due to code page 932 issues, but point the
# hints file to macOS
inreplace "japanese/set_lnx.sh", "linux", "macosx10.10" if OS.mac?
system "sh", "japanese/set_lnx.sh"
system "make", "install"
bin.install_symlink libexec/"jnethack"
def post_install
# These need to exist (even if empty) otherwise NetHack won't start
savedir = HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/jnethack"
mkdir_p savedir
cd savedir do
%w[xlogfile logfile perm record].each do |f|
touch f
mkdir_p "save"
touch "save/.keepme" # preserve on `brew cleanup`
# Set group-writeable for multiuser installs
chmod "g+w", savedir
chmod "g+w", savedir/"save"
test do
system "#{bin}/jnethack", "-s"
assert_match (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"share/jnethack").to_s,
shell_output("#{bin}/jnethack --showpaths")