
71 lines
2.5 KiB

class Solid < Formula
desc "Collision detection library for geometric objects in 3D space"
homepage "http://www.dtecta.com/"
url "http://www.dtecta.com/files/solid-3.5.6.tgz"
sha256 "4acfa20266f0aa5722732794f8e93d7bb446e467719c947a3ca583f197923af0"
bottle do
cellar :any
sha256 "010d867aa6dfba7ae6ff9b5aa1a504285d45ccd9b682d512f70bc79cde208f8a" => :high_sierra
sha256 "a79692fbc3d3c150bedef4cbb5455ca175f9534703da91bc27abaac157f1414d" => :sierra
sha256 "217b3ce0111e94edfbbae5f82c07d3a8c129e7c5733a7707eb592b80eeb94a75" => :el_capitan
sha256 "e54bf158f4e91171c55d5514abe6fd36ca358e39e8271985f446be4002b6a5e7" => :yosemite
sha256 "b22bde511d5fa7a1112ef122fa70e5260ac6491bdfd3f8eeb19848b5b769621d" => :mavericks
sha256 "db9bd9a409bc447657f759852aa02feb0bc19cd84c552b9c16dfed130c2a3829" => :mountain_lion
deprecated_option "enable-doubles" => "with-doubles"
deprecated_option "enable-tracer" => "with-tracer"
option "with-doubles", "Use internal double precision floats"
option "with-tracer", "Use rounding error tracer"
# This patch fixes a broken build on clang-600.0.56.
# Was reported to bugs@dtecta.com (since it also applies to solid-3.5.6)
patch :DATA
def install
args = ["--disable-dependency-tracking",
args << "--enable-doubles" if build.with? "doubles"
args << "--enable-tracer" if build.with? "tracer"
system "./configure", *args
# exclude the examples from compiling!
# the examples do not compile because the include statements
# for the GLUT library are not platform independent
inreplace "Makefile", " examples ", " "
system "make", "install"
diff --git a/include/MT/Quaternion.h b/include/MT/Quaternion.h
index 3726b4f..3393697 100644
--- a/include/MT/Quaternion.h
+++ b/include/MT/Quaternion.h
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ namespace MT {
Quaternion<Scalar> inverse() const
- return conjugate / length2();
+ return conjugate() / length2();
Quaternion<Scalar> slerp(const Quaternion<Scalar>& q, const Scalar& t) const
diff --git a/src/complex/DT_CBox.h b/src/complex/DT_CBox.h
index 7fc7c5d..16ce972 100644
--- a/src/complex/DT_CBox.h
+++ b/src/complex/DT_CBox.h
@@ -131,4 +131,6 @@ inline DT_CBox operator-(const DT_CBox& b1, const DT_CBox& b2)
b1.getExtent() + b2.getExtent());
+inline DT_CBox computeCBox(MT_Scalar margin, const MT_Transform& xform);