
78 lines
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class Mandoc < Formula
desc "The mandoc UNIX manpage compiler toolset"
homepage "https://mandoc.bsd.lv/"
url "https://mandoc.bsd.lv/snapshots/mandoc-1.14.3.tar.gz"
sha256 "0b0c8f67958c1569ead4b690680c337984b879dfd2ad4648d96924332fd99528"
head "anoncvs@mandoc.bsd.lv:/cvs", :using => :cvs
bottle do
sha256 "c16d34b3c6c0e22ede164139f6fdb0268a440e39ca94ce791d5f580b4c2c01f1" => :high_sierra
sha256 "59709d56bff5dedfe3f544b4da3d6791f32dbf4e4299a242719b39a21dc0c050" => :sierra
sha256 "2e23fd7255dc440233289f138edc9dada06eab91ff3570329fa5ebce425f5714" => :el_capitan
sha256 "dd4131a36901d8650f896c90bd6e9cc08bfe6d146db5c7461e63e0e6e2b3d49a" => :yosemite
option "without-cgi", "Don't build man.cgi (and extra CSS files)."
def install
localconfig = [
# Sane prefixes.
# Executable names, where utilities would be replaced/duplicated.
# The mandoc versions of the utilities are definitely *not* ready
# for prime-time on Darwin, though some changes in HEAD are promising.
# The "bsd" prefix (like bsdtar, bsdmake) is more informative than "m".
"BINM_MAKEWHATIS=bsdmakewhatis", # default is "makewhatis".
# These are names for *section 7* pages only. Several other pages are
# prefixed "mandoc_", similar to the "groff_" pages.
"MANM_ROFF=mandoc_roff", # This is the only one that conflicts (groff).
"OSNAME='Mac OS X #{MacOS.version}'", # Bottom corner signature line.
# Not quite sure what to do here. The default ("/usr/share", etc.) needs
# sudoer privileges, or will error. So just brew's manpages for now?
"HAVE_MANPATH=0", # Our `manpath` is a symlink to system `man`.
"STATIC=", # No static linking on Darwin.
"HOMEBREWDIR=#{HOMEBREW_CELLAR}" # ? See configure.local.example, NEWS.
localconfig << "BUILD_CGI=1" if build.with? "cgi"
File.rename("cgi.h.example", "cgi.h") # For man.cgi, harmless in any case.
(buildpath/"configure.local").write localconfig.join("\n")
system "./configure"
# I've tried twice to send a bug report on this to tech@mdocml.bsd.lv.
# In theory, it should show up with:
# search.gmane.org/?query=jobserver&group=gmane.comp.tools.mdocml.devel
ENV.deparallelize do
system "make"
system "make", "install"
test do
system "#{bin}/mandoc", "-Thtml",
"-Ostyle=#{share}/examples/example.style.css", "#{man1}/mandoc.1"