
113 lines
3.7 KiB

require "etc"
# Bugfixed and interface-patched Nethack.
# This formula is based on the Nethack formula, and includes the
# patches from same. The original notes from the Nethack formula
# follow:
# - @jterk
# Nethack the way God intended it to be played: from a terminal.
# This build script was created referencing:
# * https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Compiling#On_Mac_OS_X
# * https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Pkgsrc#patch-ac_.28system.h.29
# and copious hacking until things compiled.
# The patch applied incorporates the patch-ac above, the OS X
# instructions from the Wiki, and whatever else needed to be
# done.
# - @adamv
class Nethacked < Formula
desc "Bugfixed and interface-patched Nethack"
homepage "https://nethacked.github.io/"
url "https://github.com/nethacked/nethacked/archive/1.0.tar.gz"
sha256 "4e3065a7b652d5fc21577e0b7ac3a60513cd30f4ee81c7f11431a71185b609aa"
license "NGPL"
bottle do
sha256 arm64_monterey: "e217165d22093bd7bd597ce198cba5de91a6e72fdee085ab9b4a1db3ce195c93"
sha256 arm64_big_sur: "6e72ef5f73856fce288298607152d9ffbd322d592b4d5f451739482e5d632aae"
sha256 monterey: "15bc192591e2f3ef2e007ce27f5462a6490ff0cb7d0bf430b91805cc671c2a16"
sha256 big_sur: "7ec798bfda16ed59639e13d8ec29a572f8ccb33be28f40eecbb1990ce7324454"
sha256 catalina: "619034420b0ce7a657824a14c45af647132ac8263839b9a56fc0b64ff100aa64"
sha256 mojave: "77cec385d3ab1ba8c9d4ef1234d25a42a7aff77c9db2158fad7820f677a67cc0"
sha256 high_sierra: "4fe2af842c20dc95f4ae5bebcffed0b85da6a94a548b0d5f8115d1829c80e3cc"
sha256 sierra: "d2c880eb02b32bc6a976b16502f400a94b395375b5cd59e731fb209580e3ceee"
sha256 el_capitan: "dcbe9a404fb0215e35dc9d08e73595ba8dadad55e6ca898078a66ce04c9dc11b"
sha256 x86_64_linux: "8575daddbf850b21652bef36c24a920f9c1ea9c72e7d92b9e6fdfa461c2f0c6e"
disable! date: "2022-12-08", because: :repo_removed
uses_from_macos "bison" => :build
uses_from_macos "flex" => :build
uses_from_macos "ncurses"
# Don't remove save folder
skip_clean "libexec/save"
patch do
on_macos do
url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/formula-patches/b40e459/nethacked/1.0.patch"
sha256 "d32bed5e7b4500515135270d72077bab49534abbdc60d8d040473fbee630f90f"
def install
# Build everything in-order; no multi builds.
# Symlink makefiles
system "sh", "sys/unix/setup.sh"
inreplace "include/config.h",
/^#\s*define HACKDIR.*$/,
"#define HACKDIR \"#{libexec}\""
# Enable wizard mode for the current user
wizard = Etc.getpwuid.name
inreplace "include/config.h",
"#define WIZARD \"#{wizard}\""
inreplace "include/config.h",
"#define WIZARD_NAME \"#{wizard}\""
# Only apply minor changes from the macOS patch needed for Linux to build.
unless OS.mac?
inreplace "src/Makefile", "-ltermlib", "-lncurses"
inreplace "win/tty/termcap.c", "extern char *tparm();", "/*extern char *tparm();*/"
cd "dat" do
# Make the data first, before we munge the CFLAGS
system "make"
%w[perm logfile].each do |f|
touch f
libexec.install f
# Stage the data
libexec.install %w[help hh cmdhelp history opthelp wizhelp dungeon
license data oracles options rumors quest.dat]
libexec.install Dir["*.lev"]
# Make the game
ENV.append_to_cflags "-I../include"
cd "src" do
system "make"
bin.install "src/nethacked"
# These need to be group-writable in multi-user situations
chmod "g+w", libexec
chmod "g+w", libexec+"save"