
61 lines
2.6 KiB

class Pocl < Formula
desc "Portable Computing Language"
homepage "http://portablecl.org"
url "http://portablecl.org/downloads/pocl-3.0.tar.gz"
sha256 "a3fd3889ef7854b90b8e4c7899c5de48b7494bf770e39fba5ad268a5cbcc719d"
license "MIT"
revision 1
head "https://github.com/pocl/pocl.git", branch: "master"
bottle do
sha256 arm64_monterey: "9d91bc69819fd1a381a63726b9caed1c78cfce71d0e81a246a5d6b374db19f59"
sha256 arm64_big_sur: "99ab32bd6ad08f28cfdbd745cdfe057487bdacff01d7d7d1ad176c4230b21636"
sha256 monterey: "d857f7ebdf4d88658b79a34a2d71902b846ad421ce17be610d7f4ad5c4725e80"
sha256 big_sur: "59b68f66eb1be4b844b161e59690d3dc6ccc65f6f91b34efa407014b2cd462ae"
sha256 catalina: "9f63be32517ad9e49c8e00b2f664a44b5948263f703d086c9592c48b1374c3ad"
sha256 x86_64_linux: "b784316a19030d4d04ffc96bdae8f018e2458731f3a5d71af261693943e571b9"
depends_on "cmake" => :build
depends_on "opencl-headers" => :build
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "hwloc"
depends_on "llvm@14"
depends_on "ocl-icd"
fails_with gcc: "5" # LLVM is built with GCC
def install
llvm = deps.map(&:to_formula).find { |f| f.name.match?(/^llvm(@\d+(\.\d+)*)?$/) }
# Install the ICD into #{prefix}/etc rather than #{etc} as it contains the realpath
# to the shared library and needs to be kept up-to-date to work with an ICD loader.
# This relies on `brew link` automatically creating and updating #{etc} symlinks.
args = %W[
# Avoid installing another copy of OpenCL headers on macOS
args << "-DOPENCL_H=#{Formula["opencl-headers"].opt_include}/CL/opencl.h" if OS.mac?
# Only x86_64 supports "distro" which allows runtime detection of SSE/AVX
args << "-DKERNELLIB_HOST_CPU_VARIANTS=distro" if Hardware::CPU.intel?
system "cmake", "-S", ".", "-B", "build", *std_cmake_args, *args
system "cmake", "--build", "build"
system "cmake", "--install", "build"
(pkgshare/"examples").install "examples/poclcc"
test do
ENV["OCL_ICD_VENDORS"] = "pocl.icd" # Ignore any other ICD that may be installed
cp pkgshare/"examples/poclcc/poclcc.cl", testpath
system bin/"poclcc", "-o", "poclcc.cl.pocl", "poclcc.cl"
assert_predicate testpath/"poclcc.cl.pocl", :exist?
# Make sure that CMake found our OpenCL headers and didn't install a copy
refute_predicate include/"OpenCL", :exist?