
53 lines
1.8 KiB

class RakudoStar < Formula
desc "Perl 6 compiler"
homepage "http://rakudo.org/"
url "http://rakudo.org/downloads/star/rakudo-star-2017.04.tar.gz"
sha256 "731ddb63f17bf211b2bf2681fdb7aefc6fe1161dbaab0831d93de4a854153018"
bottle do
sha256 "b816c1150120abc3d5acc4d1ca233b7e5ce6daabb302f152cd6ce51e8a0b68b6" => :sierra
sha256 "495e76ed9c925686a0a7d5487dbb4ad47ac21351c425255735b6efee88742b4d" => :el_capitan
sha256 "9c8d50de0cd4441d44458657be33779027d12da855da32fc0d516c812340770c" => :yosemite
option "with-jvm", "Build also for jvm as an alternate backend."
depends_on "gmp" => :optional
depends_on "icu4c" => :optional
depends_on "pcre" => :optional
depends_on "libffi"
conflicts_with "parrot"
def install
libffi = Formula["libffi"]
ENV.remove "CPPFLAGS", "-I#{libffi.include}"
ENV.prepend "CPPFLAGS", "-I#{libffi.lib}/libffi-#{libffi.version}/include"
ENV.deparallelize # An intermittent race condition causes random build failures.
backends = ["moar"]
generate = ["--gen-moar"]
backends << "jvm" if build.with? "jvm"
system "perl", "Configure.pl", "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--backends=" + backends.join(","), *generate
system "make"
system "make", "install"
# Panda is now in share/perl6/site/bin, so we need to symlink it too.
bin.install_symlink Dir[share/"perl6/site/bin/*"]
# Move the man pages out of the top level into share.
# Not all backends seem to generate man pages at this point (moar does not, parrot does),
# so we need to check if the directory exists first.
mv "#{prefix}/man", share if File.directory?("#{prefix}/man")
test do
out = `#{bin}/perl6 -e 'loop (my $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { print $i }'`
assert_equal "0123456789", out
assert_equal 0, $?.exitstatus