
64 lines
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require 'formula'
class AndroidSdk < Formula
url 'http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r11-mac_x86.zip'
homepage 'http://developer.android.com/index.html'
md5 '85bed5ed25aea51f6a447a674d637d1e'
version 'r11'
def self.var_dirs
%w[platforms samples temp add-ons ]
# TODO docs, google-market_licensing and platform-tools
# See the long comment below for the associated problems
skip_clean var_dirs
def install
mkdir bin
mv 'SDK Readme.txt', prefix/'README'
mv 'tools', prefix
%w[android apkbuilder ddms dmtracedump draw9patch emulator
hierarchyviewer hprof-conv layoutopt mksdcard traceview
zipalign].each do |tool|
# this is data that should be preserved across upgrades, but the Android
# SDK isn't too smart, so we still have to symlink it back into its tree.
AndroidSdk.var_dirs.each do |d|
dst = prefix/d
src = var/'lib/android-sdk'/d
src.mkpath unless src.directory?
dst.make_relative_symlink src
(bin/:adb).write <<-EOS.undent
test -f "$ADB" && exec "$ADB" "$@"
echo Use the \\`android\\' tool to install adb.
def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
Now run the `android' tool to install the actual SDK stuff.
You will have to install the platform-tools EVERY time this formula updates.
If you want to try and fix this then see the comment in this formula.
# The `android' tool insists on deleting /usr/local/Cellar/android-sdl/rx/platform-tools
# and then installing the new one. So it is impossible for us to redirect
# the SDK location to var so that the platform-tools don't have to be
# freshly installed EVERY FUCKING time the base SDK updates.
# My disgust at Google's ineptitude here knows NO bounds. I can only LOL.
# And I do LOL. A lot. In Google's general direction. I can't stop LOLing.
# In fact, I may have LOLd myself into insanity.
# Ideas: make android a script that calls the actual android tool, but after
# that tool exits it repairs the directory locations?