
76 lines
2.6 KiB

class Cryfs < Formula
include Language::Python::Virtualenv
desc "Encrypts your files so you can safely store them in Dropbox, iCloud, etc."
homepage "https://www.cryfs.org"
url "https://github.com/cryfs/cryfs/releases/download/0.11.3/cryfs-0.11.3.tar.gz"
sha256 "cffef7669b8cbec3e7420088faac492390b9e1f3d3d0dc2a245b87f8df05f190"
license "LGPL-3.0"
revision 1
bottle do
rebuild 1
sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "0922c592c2f886c38c5d5e6590d2f6d89d8d4089565559c05e2effc987c88eab"
head do
url "https://github.com/cryfs/cryfs.git", branch: "develop"
depends_on "cmake" => :build
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "boost"
depends_on "curl"
depends_on "libfuse@2"
depends_on :linux # on macOS, requires closed-source macFUSE
depends_on "openssl@1.1"
depends_on "python@3.11"
depends_on "range-v3"
depends_on "spdlog"
fails_with gcc: "5"
resource "versioneer" do
url "https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/15/86/bed1c929495d8ca30512c8fcc6e9c2555ecffcdd32f0c04f11e492eba9e0/versioneer-0.28.tar.gz"
sha256 "7175ca8e7bb4dd0e3c9779dd2745e5b4a6036304af3f5e50bd896f10196586d6"
def install
python = "python3.11"
venv_root = buildpath/"venv"
venv = virtualenv_create(venv_root, python)
venv.pip_install resource("versioneer")
ENV.prepend_path "PYTHONPATH", venv_root/Language::Python.site_packages(python)
ENV.prepend_path "PATH", venv_root/"bin"
configure_args = [
system "cmake", "-B", "build", "-S", ".", *configure_args, *std_cmake_args,
system "cmake", "--build", "build"
system "cmake", "--install", "build"
test do
ENV["CRYFS_FRONTEND"] = "noninteractive"
# Test showing help page
assert_match "CryFS", shell_output("#{bin}/cryfs 2>&1", 10)
# Test mounting a filesystem. This command will ultimately fail because homebrew tests
# don't have the required permissions to mount fuse filesystems, but before that
# it should display "Mounting filesystem". If that doesn't happen, there's something
# wrong. For example there was an ABI incompatibility issue between the crypto++ version
# the cryfs bottle was compiled with and the crypto++ library installed by homebrew to.
mkdir "basedir"
mkdir "mountdir"
expected_output = "fuse: device not found, try 'modprobe fuse' first"
assert_match expected_output, pipe_output("#{bin}/cryfs -f basedir mountdir 2>&1", "password")