class Ucon64 < Formula desc "ROM backup tool and emulator's Swiss Army knife program" homepage "" url "" sha256 "5727e0be9ee878bba84d204135a7ca25662db6b56fee6895301e50c1bdda70af" license "GPL-2.0" head "" livecheck do url :stable regex(%r{url=.*?/ucon64[._-]v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)-src\.t}i) end bottle do sha256 "f0bf36d7828e138e2fe1068b4b5bf1b9e70f80cef564c186950a30ab2cb1df85" => :catalina sha256 "893570e77b17c3400f391fc0a710958b3599d5ad0c5971897d84c7e4552e2ca6" => :mojave sha256 "30d2d85dba7891d5eb5b43c69c5b6ac0ad0606d279c6a30e254f6ffd819356f8" => :high_sierra end uses_from_macos "unzip" => [:build, :test] uses_from_macos "zlib" resource "super_bat_puncher_demo" do url "" sha256 "d74cb3ba11a4ef5d0f8d224325958ca1203b0d8bb4a7a79867e412d987f0b846" end # Fixes an upstream issue which incorrectly attempts to use a Linux-only # function on macOS. Should be in the next release. # patch do url "" sha256 "bb7bf52ec016092bf84b0a5eebb4295394288985993d4ab7a6b69a78c1c3ce77" end def install # ucon64's normal install process installs the discmage library in # the user's home folder. We want to store it inside the prefix, so # we have to change the default value of ~/.ucon64rc to point to it. # .ucon64rc is generated by the binary, so we adjust the default that # is set when no .ucon64rc exists. inreplace "src/ucon64_misc.c", 'PROPERTY_MODE_DIR ("ucon64") "discmage.dylib"', "\"#{opt_prefix}/libexec/libdiscmage.dylib\"" cd "src" do system "./configure", "--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--disable-silent-rules", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make" bin.install "ucon64" libexec.install "libdiscmage/discmage.dylib" => "libdiscmage.dylib" end end def caveats <<~EOS You can copy/move your DAT file collection to $HOME/.ucon64/dat Be sure to check $HOME/.ucon64rc for configuration after running uCON64 for the first time. EOS end test do resource("super_bat_puncher_demo").stage testpath assert_match "00000000 4e 45 53 1a 08 00 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00", shell_output("#{bin}/ucon64 \"#{testpath}/Super Bat Puncher Demo.nes\"") end end