class Envconsul < Formula desc "Launch process with environment variables from Consul and Vault" homepage "" url "", tag: "v0.11.0", revision: "c3eeb0d39addb0ceb81cca91d4202cfc667fddd7" license "MPL-2.0" bottle do cellar :any_skip_relocation sha256 "e377dbb6afa6b25649a4b4bbfc382a9a6b5a44f5f91ce7d41bbb154be102d746" => :big_sur sha256 "179a94430ca555ec57a15d21e6b470616ed741a7ae8d636e4e3e72ea1b8f9b7b" => :catalina sha256 "2bfcec63fd169c27ffc12ee5acea1da314de51a5be0a6185ef111655c3b79d9c" => :mojave end depends_on "go" => :build depends_on "consul" => :test def install system "go", "build", "-ldflags", "-s -w", *std_go_args end test do port = free_port begin fork do exec "consul agent -dev -bind -http-port #{port}" puts "consul started" end sleep 5 system "consul", "kv", "put", "-http-addr", "{port}", "homebrew-recipe-test/working", "1" output = shell_output("#{bin}/envconsul -consul-addr={port} " \ "-upcase -prefix homebrew-recipe-test env") assert_match "WORKING=1", output ensure system "consul", "leave", "-http-addr", "{port}" end end end