require 'formula' class MySqlInstalled < Requirement def message <<-EOS.undent MySQL is required to install. You can install this with Homebrew using: brew install mysql-connector-c For MySQL client libraries only. brew install mysql For MySQL server. Or you can use an official installer from: EOS end def satisfied? which 'mysql_config' end def fatal? true end end class PostgresInstalled < Requirement def message <<-EOS.undent Postgres is required to install. You can install this with Homebrew using: brew install postgres Or you can use an official installer from: EOS end def satisfied? which 'pg_config' end def fatal? true end end def no_mysql? ARGV.include? '--without-mysql' end def no_postgresql? ARGV.include? '--without-postgresql' end def no_sqlite? ARGV.include? '--without-sqlite' end class Libzdb < Formula homepage '' url '' md5 'ff44923fd53925155dc630d53a6d4708' depends_on unless no_postgresql? depends_on unless no_mysql? depends_on 'sqlite' unless no_sqlite? def options [ ['--without-sqlite', "Compile without SQLite support."], ['--without-postgresql', "Compile without PostgreSQL support."], ['--without-mysql', "Compile without MySQL support."] ] end def install args = ["--disable-debug", "--disable-dependency-tracking", "--prefix=#{prefix}"] args << "--without-sqlite" if no_sqlite? args << "--without-mysql" if no_mysql? args << "--without-postgresql" if no_postgresql? system "./configure", *args system "make install" end end