class Slides < Formula desc "Terminal based presentation tool" homepage "" url "" sha256 "fcce0dbbe767e0b1f0800e4ea934ee9babbfb18ab2ec4b343e3cd6359cd48330" license "MIT" head "", branch: "main" bottle do sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_ventura: "335ffbac50cfea46abb4afa92116f16c1d351d77deb103a19e6434b11d2a540d" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_monterey: "a17e1f07ab13a27bca222b103799a247e15d2bb6f3b239d5f973029886e4e1d8" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, arm64_big_sur: "e0faa8a0d8f1d87a0a16a294b35e5d98528be06dd4069aca905d5fdc7464ab73" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, ventura: "59795376dc3819201011a4f97014d5510b29f5b2056760f21cb78b92e2e1ec4e" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, monterey: "3ffaaae9819ccd022e0e2a7091b09389ec26bdd1eac7e3ff9c97b494a887b9d6" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, big_sur: "47e7d151b73e9132506410808df33d3ee8516d4739d53fda0d8cd759d7ede76f" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, catalina: "142e0dba029f7c87501f7a0460cc9e909819ed60f81e3da4255000a553275346" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "4bcfad497512ded3dbe7ed81e2683a3c67f211c0a811c7265d171e79212eebfe" end depends_on "go" => :build def install system "go", "build", *std_go_args end test do (testpath/"").write <<-MARKDOWN # Slide 1 Content --- # Slide 2 More Content MARKDOWN # Bubbletea-based apps are hard to test even under PTY.spawn (or via # expect) because they rely on vt100-like answerback support, such as # "[6n" to report the cursor position. For now we just run the command # for a second and see that it tried to send some ANSI out of it. require "pty" r, _, pid = PTY.spawn "#{bin}/slides" sleep 1 Process.kill("TERM", pid) begin assert_match(/\e\[/, rescue Errno::EIO # GNU/Linux raises EIO when read is done on closed pty end end end