class Gpsbabel < Formula desc "Converts/uploads GPS waypoints, tracks, and routes" homepage "" url "" sha256 "30b186631fb43db576b8177385ed5c31a5a15c02a6bc07bae1e0d7af9058a797" license "GPL-2.0" bottle do sha256 "ef08f246d1d7321d1bb605591194f2d207fc0cd2465755dbbe86afc640cb41db" => :catalina sha256 "7a622c1a689d239e3a98185220428127cffee6f3d060519d509106a8a37fdbc1" => :mojave sha256 "d8a8ecec7300d96476fbba89a2343d87712628cfd2f4325df19aed2dabec4b17" => :high_sierra end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "libusb" depends_on "qt" depends_on "shapelib" uses_from_macos "zlib" # upstream added support for configuration of third party libraries. patch do url "" sha256 "8f6572aa8dc3a7b4db028bf75d952d97f7b47de278a91c3cc86bebed608be86a" end def install ENV.cxx11 # force use of homebrew libusb-1.0 instead of included version. # force use of homebrew shapelib instead of included version. # force use of system zlib instead of included version. rm_r "mac/libusb" rm_r "shapelib" rm_r "zlib" shapelib = Formula["shapelib"] system "qmake", "", "WITH_LIBUSB=pkgconfig", "WITH_SHAPELIB=custom", "INCLUDEPATH+=#{shapelib.opt_include}", "LIBS+=-L#{shapelib.opt_lib} -lshp", "WITH_ZLIB=pkgconfig" system "make" bin.install "gpsbabel" end test do (testpath/"test.loc").write <<~EOS EOS system bin/"gpsbabel", "-i", "geo", "-f", "test.loc", "-o", "gpx", "-F", "test.gpx" assert_predicate testpath/"test.gpx", :exist? end end