class Gmp < Formula desc "GNU multiple precision arithmetic library" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "258e6cd51b3fbdfc185c716d55f82c08aff57df0c6fbd143cf6ed561267a1526" license "GPL-3.0" livecheck do url "" regex(/href=.*?gmp[._-]v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)\.t/i) end bottle do cellar :any sha256 "2e6acd6e62d1b8ef0800061e113aea30a63f56b32b99c010234c0420fd6d3ecf" => :catalina sha256 "1bbea4983a4c883c8eb8b7e19df9fab52f0575be8a34b629fc7df79895f48937" => :mojave sha256 "63f220c9ac4ebc386711c8c4c5e1f955cfb0a784bdc41bfd6c701dc789be7fcc" => :high_sierra end uses_from_macos "m4" => :build patch do # Remove when upstream fix is released # # arm64-darwin patch url "" sha256 "4c5b926f47c78f9cc6f900130d020e7f3aa6f31a6e84246e8886f6da04f7424c" end if Hardware::CPU.arm? depends_on "autoconf" => :build depends_on "automake" => :build depends_on "libtool" => :build end def install # Work around macOS Catalina / Xcode 11 code generation bug # (test failure t-toom53, due to wrong code in mpn/toom53_mul.o) ENV.append_to_cflags "-fno-stack-check" # Enable --with-pic to avoid linking issues with the static library args = %W[--prefix=#{prefix} --enable-cxx --with-pic] if Hardware::CPU.arm? args << "--build=aarch64-apple-darwin#{OS.kernel_version.major}" system "autoreconf", "-fiv" else args << "--build=#{Hardware.oldest_cpu}-apple-darwin#{OS.kernel_version.major}" end system "./configure", *args system "make" system "make", "check" system "make", "install" end test do (testpath/"test.c").write <<~EOS #include #include int main() { mpz_t i, j, k; mpz_init_set_str (i, "1a", 16); mpz_init (j); mpz_init (k); mpz_sqrtrem (j, k, i); if (mpz_get_si (j) != 5 || mpz_get_si (k) != 1) abort(); return 0; } EOS system, "test.c", "-L#{lib}", "-lgmp", "-o", "test" system "./test" # Test the static library to catch potential linking issues system, "test.c", "#{lib}/libgmp.a", "-o", "test" system "./test" end end