class Go < Formula desc "Open source programming language to build simple/reliable/efficient software" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "7688063d55656105898f323d90a79a39c378d86fe89ae192eb3b7fc46347c95a" license "BSD-3-Clause" head "" livecheck do url "" regex(/href=.*?go[._-]?v?(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)[._-]src\.t/i) end bottle do sha256 arm64_big_sur: "c1f259427b953cb5564af663538a696bb79820f1b23b7baa940ab2c4e21bc684" sha256 big_sur: "f23bdf4231ea64207fd112500f2c1fd9569366b31f6c843a815c5c75e4be6c5c" sha256 catalina: "dfd8a82a4b7d9f4136eb6af4dca507cc136cebb74e843eeb3ba0ecd1ad94a3a2" sha256 mojave: "c54706ee25e7ac3006f8d7f9bbb059131eca3b750e03736671d4faaffc399977" end # Don't update this unless this version cannot bootstrap the new version. resource "gobootstrap" do on_macos do if Hardware::CPU.arm? url "" version "1.16" sha256 "4dac57c00168d30bbd02d95131d5de9ca88e04f2c5a29a404576f30ae9b54810" else url "" version "1.16" sha256 "6000a9522975d116bf76044967d7e69e04e982e9625330d9a539a8b45395f9a8" end end on_linux do url "" version "1.16" sha256 "013a489ebb3e24ef3d915abe5b94c3286c070dfe0818d5bca8108f1d6e8440d2" end end def install (buildpath/"gobootstrap").install resource("gobootstrap") ENV["GOROOT_BOOTSTRAP"] = buildpath/"gobootstrap" cd "src" do ENV["GOROOT_FINAL"] = libexec system "./make.bash", "--no-clean" end (buildpath/"pkg/obj").rmtree rm_rf "gobootstrap" # Bootstrap not required beyond compile. libexec.install Dir["*"] bin.install_symlink Dir[libexec/"bin/go*"] system bin/"go", "install", "-race", "std" end test do (testpath/"hello.go").write <<~EOS package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("Hello World") } EOS # Run go fmt check for no errors then run the program. # This is a a bare minimum of go working as it uses fmt, build, and run. system bin/"go", "fmt", "hello.go" assert_equal "Hello World\n", shell_output("#{bin}/go run hello.go") ENV["GOOS"] = "freebsd" ENV["GOARCH"] = "amd64" system bin/"go", "build", "hello.go" end end