require 'formula' class GitManuals < Formula url '' md5 '41a164c1ad025e0970b2365e27209a11' end class GitHtmldocs < Formula url '' md5 'f9c9669fb00df38f1486763ace135666' end class Git < Formula url '' md5 '77e1611498919965fb65fd1f229ee155' homepage '' def install # if these things are installed, tell git build system to not use them ENV['NO_FINK']='1' ENV['NO_DARWIN_PORTS']='1' # If local::lib is used you get a 'Only one of PREFIX or INSTALL_BASE can be given' error ENV['PERL_MM_OPT']=''; # build verbosely so we can debug better ENV['V']='1' inreplace "Makefile" do |s| s.remove_make_var! %w{CFLAGS LDFLAGS} end system "make", "prefix=#{prefix}", "install" # Install the git bash completion file. Put it into the Cellar so # that it gets upgraded along with git upgrades. (Normally, etc # files go directly into HOMEBREW_PREFIX so that they don't get # clobbered on upgrade.) (prefix+'etc/bash_completion.d').install 'contrib/completion/git-completion.bash' # Install git-p4 bin.install 'contrib/fast-import/git-p4' # these files are exact copies of the git binary, so like the contents # of libexec/git-core lets hard link them # I am assuming this is an overisght by the git devs git_md5 = (bin+'git').md5 %w[git-receive-pack git-upload-archive].each do |fn| fn = bin + fn next unless git_md5 == fn.md5 fn.unlink fn.make_link bin+'git' end # we could build the manpages ourselves, but the build process depends # on many other packages, and is somewhat crazy, this way is easier { man.install Dir['*'] } { (share+'doc/git-doc').install Dir['*'] } end end