require "formula" class Gvp < Formula homepage "" url "" sha1 "28cbdea4c579ae4119bfd0fa451f03cb0572b43b" bottle do cellar :any sha1 "455e8325565c0f6ebedfba821081b2e15b4446c1" => :mavericks sha1 "ccf547cf67919c8d47e8698ae3464331cc082efb" => :mountain_lion sha1 "98d111ddf331bcfe7ba61675283e01f7a43cfc61" => :lion end def install system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" system "make", "install" end test do assert Kernel.system("gvp init"), "`gvp init` exited with a non-zero status" assert".godeps"), "`gvp init` did not create the .godeps directory" assert_equal `gvp in 'echo $GOPATH' | grep -v '>> Local GOPATH set.'`.chomp, "#{testpath/".godeps"}:#{testpath}", "`gvp in` did not change the GOPATH" assert_equal `gvp in 'echo $GOBIN' | grep -v '>> Local GOPATH set.'`.chomp, "#{testpath/".godeps/bin"}:#{ENV["GOBIN"]}", "`gvp in` did not change the GOBIN" assert_equal `gvp in 'echo $PATH' | grep -v '>> Local GOPATH set.'`.chomp, "#{testpath/".godeps/bin"}:#{ENV["PATH"]}", "`gvp in` did not change the PATH" end end