require 'formula' class Zsh < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '692669243433c55384a54b397a1cc926e582e9f2' depends_on 'gdbm' depends_on 'pcre' option 'disable-etcdir', 'Disable the reading of Zsh rc files in /etc' def install args = %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --enable-fndir=#{share}/zsh/functions --enable-scriptdir=#{share}/zsh/scripts --enable-site-fndir=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-functions --enable-site-scriptdir=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/zsh/site-scripts --enable-cap --enable-maildir-support --enable-multibyte --enable-pcre --enable-zsh-secure-free --with-tcsetpgrp ] args << '--disable-etcdir' if build.include? 'disable-etcdir' system "./configure", *args # Do not version installation directories. inreplace ["Makefile", "Src/Makefile"], "$(libdir)/$(tzsh)/$(VERSION)", "$(libdir)" system "make install" end def test system "#{bin}/zsh", "--version" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent To use this build of Zsh as your login shell, add it to /etc/shells. If you have administrator privileges, you must fix an Apple miss configuration in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion by renaming /etc/zshenv to /etc/zprofile, or Zsh will have the wrong PATH when executed non-interactively by scripts. Alternatively, install Zsh with /etc disabled: brew install --disable-etcdir zsh EOS end end