require 'formula' class PythonVersion < Requirement def message; <<-EOS.undent Node's build system, gyp, requires Python 2.6 or newer. EOS end def satisfied? `python -c 'import sys;print(sys.version[:3])'`.strip.to_f >= 2.6 end end class NpmNotInstalled < Requirement def modules_folder "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/node_modules" end def message; <<-EOS.undent The homebrew node recipe now (beginning with 0.8.0) comes with npm. It appears you already have npm installed at #{modules_folder}/npm. To use the npm that comes with this recipe, first uninstall npm with `npm uninstall npm -g`. Then run this command again. If you would like to keep your installation of npm instead of using the one provided with homebrew, install the formula with the --without-npm option added. EOS end def satisfied? begin path ="#{modules_folder}/npm") not path.realpath.to_s.include?(HOMEBREW_CELLAR) rescue Exception => e true end end def fatal? true end end class Node < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 '5ddafc059d2f774e35e6375f5b61157879a46f0f' head '' # Leopard OpenSSL is not new enough, so use our keg-only one depends_on 'openssl' if MacOS.version == :leopard depends_on unless build.include? 'without-npm' depends_on option 'enable-debug', 'Build with debugger hooks' option 'without-npm', 'npm will not be installed' fails_with :llvm do build 2326 end def install # Lie to `xcode-select` for now to work around a GYP bug that affects # CLT-only systems: # # # joyent/node#3681 ENV['DEVELOPER_DIR'] = MacOS.dev_tools_path unless MacOS::Xcode.installed? args = %W{--prefix=#{prefix}} args << "--debug" if build.include? 'enable-debug' args << "--without-npm" if build.include? 'without-npm' system "./configure", *args system "make install" unless build.include? 'without-npm' (lib/"node_modules/npm/npmrc").write(npmrc) end end def npm_prefix "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/npm" end def npm_bin "#{npm_prefix}/bin" end def modules_folder "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/node_modules" end def npmrc <<-EOS.undent prefix = #{npm_prefix} EOS end def caveats if build.include? 'without-npm' <<-EOS.undent Homebrew has NOT installed npm. We recommend the following method of installation: curl | sh After installing, add the following path to your NODE_PATH environment variable to have npm libraries picked up: #{modules_folder} EOS elsif not ENV['PATH'].split(':').include? npm_bin <<-EOS.undent Homebrew installed npm. We recommend prepending the following path to your PATH environment variable to have npm-installed binaries picked up: #{npm_bin} EOS end end end