require 'formula' class Macvim < Formula homepage '' url '' version '7.3-65' sha1 'fa5f6e0febe1ebcf5320a6ff8bcf4c7e39eccf8e' head '', :branch => 'master' option "custom-icons", "Try to generate custom document icons" option "override-system-vim", "Override system vim" option "with-cscope", "Build with Cscope support" option "with-lua", "Build with Lua scripting support" depends_on 'cscope' if build.include? 'with-cscope' depends_on 'lua' if build.include? 'with-lua' def install # Set ARCHFLAGS so the Python app (with C extension) that is # used to create the custom icons will not try to compile in # PPC support (which isn't needed in Homebrew-supported systems.) arch = MacOS.prefer_64_bit? ? 'x86_64' : 'i386' ENV['ARCHFLAGS'] = "-arch #{arch}" # If building for 10.8, make sure that CC is set to "clang". # Reference: ENV['CC'] = "clang" if MacOS.version >= :mountain_lion args = %W[ --with-features=huge --with-tlib=ncurses --enable-multibyte --with-macarchs=#{arch} --enable-perlinterp --enable-pythoninterp --enable-rubyinterp --enable-tclinterp --with-ruby-command=/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby ] args << "--enable-cscope" if build.include? "with-cscope" if build.include? "with-lua" args << "--enable-luainterp" args << "--with-lua-prefix=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" end system "./configure", *args # Building custom icons fails for many users, so off by default. unless build.include? "custom-icons" inreplace "src/MacVim/icons/Makefile", "$(MAKE) -C makeicns", "" inreplace "src/MacVim/icons/", "dont_create = False", "dont_create = True" end # Reference: cd 'src/MacVim/icons' do system "make getenvy" end system "make" prefix.install "src/MacVim/build/Release/" inreplace "src/MacVim/mvim", /^# VIM_APP_DIR=\/Applications$/, "VIM_APP_DIR=#{prefix}" bin.install "src/MacVim/mvim" # Create MacVim vimdiff, view, ex equivalents executables = %w[mvimdiff mview mvimex gvim gvimdiff gview gvimex] executables += %w[vi vim vimdiff view vimex] if build.include? "override-system-vim" executables.each {|f| ln_s bin+'mvim', bin+f} end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent installed to: #{prefix} To link the application to a normal Mac OS X location: brew linkapps or: ln -s #{prefix}/ /Applications EOS end end