require 'formula' class Fontforge < Formula homepage '' url '' sha1 'b520f532b48e557c177dffa29120225066cc4e84' head '' env :std option 'without-python', 'Build without Python' option 'with-x', 'Build with X' option 'with-cairo', 'Build with Cairo' option 'with-pango', 'Build with Pango' option 'with-libspiro', 'Build with Spiro spline support' depends_on 'gettext' depends_on :xcode # Because: #include depends_on :x11 if build.include? "with-x" depends_on 'cairo' if build.include? "with-cairo" depends_on 'pango' if build.include? "with-pango" depends_on 'libspiro' if build.include? "with-libspiro" fails_with :llvm do build 2336 cause "Compiling cvexportdlg.c fails with error: initializer element is not constant" end def install # Reason: Designed for the 10.7 SDK because it uses FlatCarbon. # MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET fixes ensuing Python 10.7 vs 10.8 clash. # Discussed: # Reported: Not yet. if MacOS.version >= :mountain_lion ENV.macosxsdk("10.7") ENV.append "CFLAGS", "-isysroot #{MacOS.sdk_path(10.7)}" ENV["MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"] = "10.8" end args = ["--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-double", "--without-freetype-bytecode"] if build.include? "without-python" args << "--without-python" else python_prefix = `python-config --prefix`.strip python_version = `python-config --libs`.match('-lpython(\d+\.\d+)') args << "--with-python-headers=#{python_prefix}/include/python#{python_version}" args << "--with-python-lib=-lpython#{python_version}" args << "--enable-pyextension" end # Fix linking to correct Python library ENV.prepend "LDFLAGS", "-L#{python_prefix}/lib" unless build.include? "without-python" # Fix linker error; see: ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-lintl" # Reset ARCHFLAGS to match how we build ENV["ARCHFLAGS"] = MacOS.prefer_64_bit? ? "-arch x86_64" : "-arch i386" args << "--without-cairo" unless build.include? "with-cairo" args << "--without-pango" unless build.include? "with-pango" system "./configure", *args # Fix hard-coded install locations that don't respect the target bindir inreplace "Makefile" do |s| s.gsub! "/Applications", "$(prefix)" s.gsub! "ln -s /usr/local/bin/fontforge", "ln -s $(bindir)/fontforge" end # Fix install location of Python extension; see: # inreplace "Makefile" do |s| s.gsub! "python install --prefix=$(prefix) --root=$(DESTDIR)", "python install --prefix=$(prefix)" end # Fix hard-coded include file paths. Reported usptream: # # if MacOS::Xcode.version >= '4.4' header_prefix = "#{MacOS.sdk_path(10.7)}/Developer" else header_prefix = MacOS::Xcode.prefix end inreplace %w(fontforge/macbinary.c fontforge/startui.c gutils/giomime.c) do |s| s.gsub! "/Developer", header_prefix end system "make" system "make install" end def which_python "python" + `python -c 'import sys;print(sys.version[:3])'`.strip end def test system "#{bin}/fontforge", "-version" end def caveats x_caveats = <<-EOS.undent fontforge is an X11 application. To install the Mac OS X wrapper application run: brew linkapps or: ln -s #{prefix}/ /Applications EOS python_caveats = <<-EOS.undent To use the Python extension with non-homebrew Python, you need to amend your PYTHONPATH like so: export PYTHONPATH=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/#{which_python}/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH EOS s = "" s += x_caveats if build.include? "with-x" s += python_caveats unless build.include? "without-python" return s end end