require 'formula' class Bind < Formula homepage '' url '' version '9.9.1-p2' sha1 '449b12c32682b5bef64c7b53cd0fc0c6b731c8a7' depends_on "openssl" if MacOS.version == :leopard def install ENV.libxml2 # libxml2 appends one inc dir to CPPFLAGS but bind ignores CPPFLAGS ENV.append 'CFLAGS', ENV['CPPFLAGS'] ENV['STD_CDEFINES'] = '-DDIG_SIGCHASE=1' args = [ "--prefix=#{prefix}", "--enable-threads", "--enable-ipv6", ] # For Xcode-only systems we help a bit to find openssl. # If CLT.installed?, it evaluates to "/usr", which works. args << "--with-openssl=#{MacOS.sdk_path.to_s}/usr" unless MacOS.version == :leopard system "./configure", *args # From the bind9 README: "Do not use a parallel 'make'." ENV.deparallelize system "make" system "make install" end end